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you weren't prepared for everything that was about to happen.

aizawa immediately went straight to attack you which caused you to immediately get down and get back up but he attacked you from behind.

for him hurting your back, you felt the sprains come back. you grunted in pain as you reached the floor.

"COME ON Y/N! YOU CAN DO IT!" you heard some students say. you saw blood on the floor and knew it was your blood. you quickly got up and tried using your quirk but nothing happened.

"damn it..he erased my quirk! what am i gonna do now?!" you thought as you looked around for objects to distract him.

you made eye contact with him as you went straight to attack him, with or without your quirk. you had to think of something. and fast.

you run towards him, go up into the air, and drop kick him. causing him to grunt as well. you tried using your quirk again, but it's still erased.

"i need to think of something quick before he gets back up!" you thought. you look up at the ceiling and notice that there was a broken rail.

you were about to grab it but aizawa caught your ankle. causing you to fall face first. and causing your nose to bleed.

you kick aizawa in the face and immediately ran to grab the rail. you run towards him and trap him under the rail, causing him to blink and for you to finally use your quirk.

you kick the rail off of him, throw him up in the air, use your quirk to drop him to the floor again, causing him to bleed from his mouth and nose.

"i'm sorry i had to do this mr.aizawa.." you thought as you quickly became tired but you had to keep going.

aizawa erased your quirk again and it caused you to think of something else. you were so distracted that aizawa caught you with his scarf and threw you to the ground again.

causing blood to escape from your mouth. all might and midnight had to stop the "training" since it was going too far.

your vision was blurred as your ears were ringing. you closed your eyes as you blacked out.


it's been almost 3 months since the "training" with aizawa went too far. your back was completely injured that you couldn't even leave the hospital until fully healed.

students visited each and every day, teachers visited, recovery girl giving you medication, you sleeping almost all day.

your birthday was coming up and you were still in the hospital. you felt so claustrophobic in the same room that you even wanted to leave the hospital.

but you couldn't due to your injury that's been caused by that "extremely dangerous training" you found yourself weak after being defeated.

recovery girl brought you a journal to keep you entertained and so you felt like writing on the first page.

"i've been in the hospital for almost three months. after the "training" with mr.aizawa, i've gotten horribly injured. i couldn't do anything but accept defeat from my own teacher. i felt so claustrophobic in here. and i still feel that way. my birthday is coming up and i don't know if i'll be fully healed by the time. i guess everyone would have to be here one by one to celebrate my birthday with me. it's also been a very long time since i was kidnapped. i'm hoping it doesn't even happen again, after accidentally becoming my villainous self twice, i didn't even know what to do at all anymore. now that i'm a hero at UA High, i can finally become the hero i've wanted to be. to be honest, after kissing and stabbing deku in the back. it felt like if he was desperate to leave the league. but didn't show it. he even cried. as if he didn't want this. i'll write more later."

you close the journal and see recovery girl come in.

"hello young y/n, how have you been feeling lately?" she asked. "i guess i've been feeling alright." you reply to her.

"that's a good thing, i'm gonna check your x-rays and we'll see if you're good to go or not."

you nod and lay down slowly, so she could examine your x-rays. and it took quite some time. and your spine was fine.

"hm. seems like your spine is doing great. we'll get the paperwork and you're good to go." recovery girl says. and you nod.

you realize that you're actually gonna spend time with your friends on your birthday. it was exciting.

recovery girl comes back and hands you the paperwork and pen. you were excited, but you can't be too excited.

you signed the paperwork, gave it back, and you followed her straight to the entrance. "alright y/n, you're good to go!" recovery girl says. you smile and walk out of the hospital.

you felt relieved getting out of there as if something was holding you back from leaving the hospital.

"finally.." you thought as you were outside. you saw that the sun was about to go down, so you quickly walk back to the school dorms.

it was already dark and you felt like you weren't safe. the dorms were only a few minutes away as you continue walking.

you felt like as if someone was following you. you had a bad feeling in your stomach. a very bad feeling.

you turned another way leading into an alley, seeing a group of men. who seemed drunk. you tried to pass by them quickly as you could.

as they tried to get your attention, you ignore them big time.

"hey sweetheart where you headed to?" one of them ask but once again. you ignore them.

"oh come know you wanna talk to us!" another one said as they started to walk behind you.

"leave me alone." you say coming into self defense. "oh we got a feisty one." another one of them said.

you took a quick turn on reaching another alley thankfully nobody's there. they continue to follow you. "get away from me!" you yelled.

"oh that's not gonna happen sweetheart! we can just make a small deal with you if you know what we mean.." one of them said as they continue to follow you.

"can you leave me alone?!" you had to ask for the third time. you tried to run but two of them grabbed you and started to drag you to another empty alley.

"LET ME GO!!" you yell trying to yank your arms off of their grips.

"no thank you." one of them said as they continue dragging you and then drop you against the wall.

"what do you want from me?!" you say as you got up walking backwards not noticing there was a dead end.

"oh? we just need a deal..if you know what i mean.." one man asked as he walked closer.

you back reached the dead end and one of them pinned you to the wall. scared for your life. you ended up screaming.



toxic - v!deku [COMPLETE]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя