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doctoroki's letter to you!

hey hey! i would like to thank you so much for reading my first attempt of writing a fanfic on wattpad. here's a ONE small thing i will be telling.

You Will Be Meeting V! Deku Soon~

be prepared for unexpected paragraphs from this story because this story will get better. i promise! i have a lot planned! believe me on that! now sit back & enjoy the rest of the book!

i love you all so much! thank you for the support!

- doctoroki


you begin to walk back from the forest to the dorms and you felt like you were being watched. you once again activated your quirk in case if you needed to defend yourself.

you then hear a crack and you immediately put yourself into action. "who's there?!" you ask and you heard an evil laughter and footsteps.

"well well well...isn't it...hirari y/n...a former...villain."

you immediately recognized the voice and it came to your surprise. you were wondering how he knew where your location was at. and it came to surprise that he knew you were a former villain and now hero.

you turned around and saw him.

"n-nine?!" you ask

"hello again hirari y/'s nice to re-unite again."

you had your quirk activated in case if he tried to attack you.

"what are you doing here..." you asked in a cold tone in front of him.

"'re a hero now? you left the league of be..a filthy hero?"

"not to be a filthy hero..i want to become a hero. the hero i wanted to be."

"ah so you thought it was fine for you to leave the L.O.V huh? without my consent?"

"YOUR consent? did you mean ALL FOR ONE'S consent?!"

"yeah whatever. so. all for one told me where you were and so i finally found you here. to... Steal Your Quirk."

nine immediately went straight to attack you and you begin to get into action.

you punched his face for him to get stunned for a few seconds until he used one of the stolen quirks to use it on you. you weren't paying attention so the quirk got to you good and you grunted in pain.

you quickly got back up and immediately used your quirk to stop him but he came through your quirk as he placed his hand on your face ready to steal your quirk.

you grabbed his wrist trying to pull yourself away from his grip and he began to speak.

you felt like you were draining but something stopped him. he let go of you and you fell to the ground you saw him stunned as he was walking back & forth like crazy and you notice that his limit of stealing quirks was a total of 9 quirks.

your quirk quickly came back to your body and as nine was weak and stunned you decided to fight him back and give him unexpected hits and leave his sight.

repeating your actions over and over again, you gave him bad injuries, you instantly call aizawa and all might as you have nine down unconscious. you were injured as well, bloody nose, bloody head, a scratch mark across your cheek, and a busted lip.

aizawa and all might quickly arrived and brought todoroki and bakugou with them.

"y/n! are you alright?" aizawa asked as he checked you and took a look at your injuries.

"yeah, i'm fine, i just needed to defend myself and..almost lost my quirk." you say and take a look at nine who was still unconscious.

aizawa erased all nine's quirks and called the police and an ambulance.

"you damn idiot! why did you have to go out this damn late past curfew?!" bakugou confronted you.

you knew it was a stupid idea to just leave the dorms all of a sudden without telling anyone why you left the dorms for your hideout.

the police came and arrested nine while the ambulance took you in and checked up on you.

"well, we took your tests and has the villain done anything to your face?" one doctor asked

"he grabbed onto my face into trying to steal my quirk." you reply.

"well, the villain grabbed your face to the point where he gave you minor fractures. you're not going to be able to fight any villains for a while."

"is there any way they can heal more faster?" aizawa asked as he seemed desperate.

"well, i don't think there's gonna be any way for them to heal faster anytime soon. they're gonna have to stay here until they're fully healed." the doctor told aizawa

aizawa looked desperate for something and you didn't know what he was planning to do.

"mr.aizawa? what's the matter..?" you ask but he didn't respond

- aizawa's p.o.v -

"no! aizawa! there's no way that they're gonna make it out alive even on search for him!" all might said

"it's the only way. they're the strongest. i know they can do it." aizawa says.

"are you sure you want to do this.?"


"I Believe In Y/N."

- your p.o.v -

about 4 weeks later your face was fully healed and you were on your way to class until you saw bakugou staring at you.

you were confused but you shook it off until he placed his hand on your shoulder. "hey." he said and you turned around to look at him "yes bakugou?"

"be careful next time. i don't want to see you hurt again. ever."

you look at him and gave him eye contact.

"i will."

you walk in the class and you sat down at your seat which was next to kaminari. you waited for aizawa to arrive. you look next to you and saw deku's seat...empty.

once aizawa arrived he waited for everyone to sit down so he could speak.

once everyone sat down. he began to speak.

"i have. one thing. to say. and this one thing i'm going to be talking about. is for one student to get done." aizawa said and everyone looked at each other and got confused.

"this one important thing. is for..."

"Hirari Y/n."

you looked at him in shock and everyone did too. "what's the important thing for them to do mr.aizawa?" kirishima asked.

"y/n. i know how much you miss midoriya. in order for us to get him back to ua. i want you to be on a search for him. alone. i believe in you. and i know you can do it. bring our hero back."

you stand up from your seat and you nod.

"mr.aizawa, i, hirari y/n, will bring back midoriya." you said and you went to shake his hand.

"put on your hero costume. and meet me at the front entrance of ua." aizawa said and you nod


toxic - v!deku [COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant