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as you were already in a deep sleep, you were dreaming. but it wasn't just a dream, it was a nightmare.

you were running as if you were being chased by the league of villains and you heard a loud evil cackle who's laughter that sounded like deku's. you didn't want to look back because you knew you'd be in terrible danger if you looked back.

but stupid you. you ended up looking back and you see dabi and toga chasing after you. you end up running faster but you bumped into someone which caused you to fall on the ground.

"hello doll~!!" you heard someone say and he laughed so loud your ears started to hurt. you couldn't see his face but you did see his eyes. one was green, one was red.

once he looked down at you, you saw him...


he got on top of you and raised his knife in the air. "deku...NO PLEASE!" as soon as he dropped the knife you immediately woke up screaming.

bakugou and todoroki burst into your room and had their quirks ready. but they saw you with your arms crossed and you were crying. "it..was just a nightmare guys..." you said.

"are you alright though y/n?" bakugou asked as he placed his hand on your shoulder. todoroki sat next to you and held your hand. "you know you could talk to us right?" he said and you leaned into his shoulder.

"it was deku...he was a villain..and he..he got on top of me...and he was going to kill me.." you say still in tears. bakugou rubbed your back and todoroki held onto your shoulder.

"you guys should go back to your dorms, i don't want us to get caught." you say and they agree. as they left the room you lay back down and you sigh.

- in the morning -

you wake up and realized that it wasn't ua hours. you realize it was saturday which meant the entire school gets free time. you just end up staying in bed for awhile.

- 10 minutes later -

you decided to get off your bed and get dressed for the day. you put on regular jeans and a red t-shirt, and you started to head out. once you went in the hall you immediately got saw the most perverted student. mineta. you immediately walked past him and head to the cafeteria.

you see most of the 1-a students and you decided to sit at a table by yourself. you had your notebook and textbook for notes to write down for no reason. and you see 3 people come and sit with you. it was bakugou, denki, and kirishima. "hey idiot." bakugou said as he sat down. "oh..hey." you say and your leg started to shake out of nowhere.

~ f l a s h b a c k ~

"hey..y/n? i think i know why your leg is shaking." deku said as he looked at you worried.

"why.? is it bad.?" you ask him when your leg was still shaking

"yes, i heard that it's called anxiety. and i heard that anxiety tics can cause that kind of anxiety attacks."

"i'm not sure if there's anything that'll calm me down..."

"y/'s okay..."

~ e n d o f f l a s h b a c k ~

"uh..y/n? you there?" kirishima asked trying to get your attention.

"hello?? earth to y/n!" kirishima said snapping his fingers in front of your face.

"hey dumbass! are you there?" bakugou said and that's what immediately grabbed your attention.

"huh? oh..i'm sorry. i just had a recent memory." you tell them.

"oh, what was the memory about?" denki asked

"you already know it's gonna be about deku, you dumbass." bakugou told denki.

"hey! i still wanna know what the memory!!" denki pouts and he continues to eat.

you barely touched your food but you ate little by little while the boys were talking you were just sitting there. being a slow eater.

"i'll be back.." you said and you got up with your tray to sneak out the cafeteria and head back to your dorm without anyone to bother you.

you couldn't stop thinking about the nightmare you had, and it couldn't get out of your head.

so you decided to sleep again.

~ 45 minutes later ~

you were sleeping until you heard banging and booming outside, you quickly get out of bed and head to your window and see a villain attacking UA.

you quickly run outside and see todoroki, bakugou, and kirishima fighting the villain. you ran in front of the villain and use your quirk to stop it.

the villain then hits you which caused you to fly to the wall hurting your back you couldn't move. todoroki quickly ran to you and rushed you inside.

"they're hurt!! take them to the nurses office!!" todoroki yells. "no!! i'm fine!!" you say and you got back up on your feet again. you use your quirk once again and tried to stop the villain but then you blacked out of nowhere.

to be continued...


hi! hope you enjoyed chapter two!<3

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