Captive test subject

Start from the beginning

People were beginning to freak out and cry out.

"Now let's clean up and cool you all off" he said, laughing as the water sped up. I sat and closed my eyes. The cells weren't that tall. I took deep breaths as the room very quickly began to fill. The water was cold and quickly rose above my head. Screams and splashing water could be heard.

It very quickly hit the top of the room, no room left for air. I was never good at holding my breath for long. I swallowed some water and gagged. The water quickly emptying out of panels which opened up. Everyone was coughing and wheezing. The cells opening up.

"Now, you can all eat and do what business you need." Laughed the guys voice. I pressed up against the wall and vomited, feeling sick and taking deep breaths.

I went out to just go toilet and returned to the cell, ignoring the people who were trying to find a way to escape. My puke had been cleaned up, but everything was still wet.

I sat weakly on the hard concrete floor. It got darker as the lights dimmed and everyone was told to enter their cells, the more resistant were pushed in by robots. I stayed on the floor, not wanting to lie on the drenched bolted to a concrete rise, bed.

The morning came quickly and I felt even more cold from lying wet on concrete.

"I think everyone's cooled off enough, time to dry off before mold starts growing" laughed the guys voice. I flinched as terrifying robotic limbs moved through the floor and pointed oddly shaped hoses.

It started from the roof, to the walls, to the beds and sink. Hot, dry air blowing, it felt enough to burn skin. I lay on the floor, not bothered with showing any anger towards mindless machines. I cringed as the hot air hit me. Rolling onto my back as it became to much. After what felt like forever the hot room was emptied of robot limbs and I stood to use the sink to drink water.

"Breakfast time my subjects. The first trial begins this afternoon" spoke the guy. The cells opened and I sat on the floor. I'll eat later, I'm certain if I don't eat, he'll have me forced to one way or another. I moved out to eat briefly and returned to the room, lying on the bed

I looked up as footsteps seemed to be getting closer. I hadn't expected anyone to enter the cell room. They all should enjoy talking and working out what's going on. After my escape attempt, I do not wish to, I already know to much. I've listened to it a thousand times, as they all talk and try to figure out what to do. I've seen more of this building then them. It's useless.

I moved a bit and listened to the feet stop. Before moving again. I looked up to one of the boys in the group. He was watching me weirdly. He moved closer, it was then I realized he was fiddling with himself. I was disgusted.

"Get the fuck out of here!" I snapped.

"Aw, come on darling, we have to have some fun here" he chuckled, he touched me and I recoiled, kicking him away.

"I'm not interested. Now fuck off!" I spat. He laughed and examined me. I hugged myself and glowered at him venomously.

"It's not like you would have anyone want you any other time. Just enjoy it" he laughed.

He moved closer, a light flashed over the door top. A robot moved in and dragged him out as he shouted unhappily.

"Wrong cell inhabitant detected. Removing now" beeped the robotic voice.

Despite knowing I couldn't. I tried yanking the cell barred door close. It didn't budge, only responding to a computer terminal and the guy who's captured us. Maybe his fingerprint or something, I don't know this technology.

I huffed and moved to the toilet and slowly returned to the cell room looking around for the creep. He very quickly pinned me up against the wall.

"Now that that's no longer an issue. Come on you ugly bitch. I can be your first" he laughed. I scowled, not even able to hide my face under my hair. It had been cut to a super short look when I'd gone into the room with the needle.

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