The First Attack

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(this is their armored vehicle, Big Bertha)

Spy School

Washington D.C. 

March 16th, 2023

1415 hours

Ben POV: 

I turned to Section and told him, "I'll take point." He nodded, knowing that I already had a plan. I told Cyrus, "Stay back. Only come if we're being overwhelmed. You guys don't have armor." I told Mason and Woods to cover us, then told the team that I would go up the middle while they flanked the left and right. We sprinted up to the enemies in a v-formation, and Section and Pat took the right, while Harper and Will took the left. I found a nice fallen log as cover, and started firing away with my sniper, taking down an enemy with every shot. Whenever I ran out of ammo, I used my next gun. Eventually, I was down to my concealed gun, which I didn't want to use just yet. I grabbed my taser and knife and ran at them. I leapt into action, tasering, stabbing, and slashing non stop. Eventually, we had beaten them back and they were retreating, but not before shooting me in the arm. I staggered back to the front gates, where I met up with the rest of my team and the awestruck agents. Aside from me getting shot in the arm, and a lot of scratches and bruises, everyone was fine. I pulled a pair of pliers from my med. pack and started pulling the bullet out and treating it. Once I was done, we went to our truck, which had arrived just before the attack, and got the rest of our supplies including ammo.

Erica POV:

Ghost turned and said something to Section, who nodded then Cyrus, Mason, and Woods, who also nodded. He then said something to his team and they charged to meet the enemy. I and the other spies were horrified. Five men against at least two hundred soldiers. I couldn't see this ending well. However, Team 6 was already making an impact, especially Ghost, who was taking down an enemy with almost every shot from his sniper. I was shocked by their ruthlessness. They were killing men left and right, and seemed unfazed, and to even to be enjoying it. I focused on Ghost, who continued mowing down enemies, until he only had a taser and knife left, and he did the unthinkable. He leapt over the log he was using as cover, and  charged the enemy. He started gracefully taking them down, using his taser, fists, and by slashing and stabbing. Eventually, the enemy started retreating, but one shot him in the arm, making him curse loudly. The soldiers regrouped, covered in blood, sweat, and grime, and they walked back to us. Ghost immediately started treating his wound, and when he was done, they walked over to the very large truck that had just arrived, the kind big enough to transport cars. They pulled out ammo, guns, armor, and to the surprise of everyone and the joy of the younger spies, out rolled and armored vehicle with a mounted turret. Section got in the driver's seat, Ghost in the passenger/navigator's seat, with Harper up in the turret and the other two in the back. Their skill and abilities were incredible! They had taken out 250 heavily armed enemies in under 8 minutes. Even my entire family together couldn't do that. 

Ben POV: 

When we rolled out Big Bertha, everyone's jaws dropped. We then proceeded to get in our usual seats. Section in the driver's seat, Me in shotgun, Harper in the turret, with Will and Pat in the back. I radioed the Obama, to tell them about the attack, and to request a relocation and a new facility. After a long call, we finally took Big Bertha to the garage, and went to rest. 

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