Two Years Later

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U.S.S Barack Obama

Off the Coast of Iraq

March 14th, 2023

1700 hrs

Ben POV:

Hi, my name is Ben Ripley, but now I go by Ben Mason. I am part of SEAL Team Six, and my main teammates are David "Section" Mason, son of the legendary Alex Mason and the adoptive father for my alias, Mike Harper, a stocky with lots of guts, Will Jackson, our medic and a lanky, easygoing guy, and Pat Richards, the joker of the team. There used to be another member, my best friend, Ryder Hampton. We were the youngest out of the team, being 16 and 19, and we grew very close due to similarities. Sadly, he was killed by Menendez personally because I hadn't been aware enough of our surroundings to notice Menendez aiming at us in his helicopter. (not true, not Ben's fault) I joined these elite soldiers as a bad combatant and as a teenager through Alex Mason, the legend himself and a friend of Cyrus, who had also faked his death (Mason and Woods know he's alive) had seen potential in me, and recruited me. I was now 16, 5'11, 152 lbs, and the hand to hand and artillery specialist (due to my math skills) along with being the sharpshooter of the team. My Code-Names or Nicknames are "Ghost", because I'm supposed to be dead, "Rip," because of my last name, Ripley, and of course, "Kid." As my equipment, I carry the normal gear, but I usually don't use a helmet and wear a modified "Ghost" mask like Simon "Ghost" Riley, with a radio and camera, along with a rainbow shades like Section, and many weapons. I can use most weapons sufficiently, but prefer to use a modified MP5 sub machine gun, with a tactical laser. I also use a self-modified M27 Automatic Rifle, a modified Renetti (automatic pistol), a combat knife, and a tiny undetectable pistol, like the one Zoe uses, with a LW3 Tundra Sniper. 

Ben's Equipment

Rainbow Shades, Ghost Mask that covers his nose and mouth, a headset with a mic and camera, one carbine, one automatic rifle, one sniper, two pistols, two knives, a concealed gun (like Zoe's), a handheld radio, bulletproof vest, med kit, rations, water, ammunition, portable artillery launcher, armored vehicle (team's), 

Erica POV: 

Its been two years since Ben's death, and six months ago, Joshua left Spy School, AGAIN. He had been strangely unaffected by Ben's death, and was acting very suspicious. It turns out he used us and killed Ben. I couldn't believe that I had been fooled by his act. All of Ben's friends, the people he loved and cared for, had betrayed him. We didn't even go to his funeral. Now, we are all overcome with guilt, and all of us are sad, and only stay together. I will get my revenge on Joshua for this. He made the one man who loved me, trusted me, and helped me, think that I and all of our friends hated him, and that I had just used him and toyed with his emotions, and that I didn't care about him. 


I was sitting in my dorm, reading Guns and Ammo, when I heard urgent knocking. Ben. My heart leaped, but I tried to tone it down. Yes, I liked him, but I didn't want everyone to know. I opened the door, and did my best to look annoyed. He told me, "Listen to this. Joshua is a traitor, and is planning to kill you." For some reason, this angered me. I exclaimed, "You're just jealous that of him, and trying to make me hate him! You know what, I take back what I said on the ship. You're not ready, and frankly, I would rather be with Joshua." I instantly regretted this. I could tell that he was trying to protect me, and that I had badly hurt him. Instead of him crying like I expected, he looked at me with a coldness I didn't think was possible, and growled, "I was just trying to help you, but if you're going to be like this, I don't care, be with Joshua!" He stormed out and slammed the door. I fell to my knees, feeling weak, and texted my mom to come over. She arrived minutes late, and took me to Alexander's office. I explained what was happening, and she asked, "So you like Ben." I stiffened, not wanting for her to know the truth, and said, "No, I don't like Ben! He is a bad spy, always getting in the way, getting distracted, and goofing off. He is only good at Math, and barely ever helps. He is always a burden or deadweight. Why would I like him?!" In truth, despite those things, I liked Ben, but just couldn't say it. I had been so immersed in my rant, that I hadn't heard the voice saying, "Hey Alexander, do you know where Catherine is?, before trailing off as he heard my rant. I had also failed to notice my mother freezing and urgently trying to tell me with her eyes to shut up. A hard voice behind me said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know I was such a burden. You won't have to worry about me being in your way anymore. Goodbye, Erica." I whirled around to find Ben, fists clenched, with white hot anger, betrayal  and sadness in his eyes. He turned around and walked out of the office. My mother chased after him, while I sat there in shock, thinking about what I had done. When I had heard and seen Ben by the explosion, I had deduced that he had faked his death and joined an evil organization. Until Joshua revealed that he was evil, and that Ben had been right, I had erased him from my memory, and moved on with my life. Now, I, along with the rest of my friends, lived in a world of regret, constantly thinking about how we had betrayed our closest,most loyal, and most loving friend. He had died thinking that I hated him, and merely used him. I was shaken from my thoughts when Grandpa called me, Mike, Zoe, Chip, Jawa, and Mom into his office, and told us that there would be a new mission. 

Mission Briefing - Still Erica POV

We all sat down at a conference room with a projector, and Grandpa pulled up a slide. It was of our main enemy, someone named Raul Menendez. He was a terrorist working with Joshua who wanted to bring the U.S. down. Next we're our allies, SEAL Team 6. Grandpa pulled up the last slide, and the difference from the others was easily noticeable. Most of the information had been redacted, and there was no picture. 

Name: Redacted

Code Names / Aliases: Ghost, Rip, Kid

DoB: Redacted; Age: 16

Specializes in: Sharpshooting, Explosives, Hand to Hand Combat, Assassination, Infiltration, Ambush, Massacre

Past Affiliation: CIA, Naval Academy

There wasn't much information, and he was very young, yet talented. It would be very interesting to meet him. 

Ben's POV

Section just called a meeting, and this is the most dangerous mission that any of us have ever been a part of. Apparently, Raul Menendez teamed up with Joshua Hallal and Murray Hill to eliminate the U.S. and specifically, the CIA and Armed Forces. We are leaving for DC as soon as we finish the preparing, and will meet the ugh, CIA Agents at Spy School. After the meeting, I shower and pack everything I will need, (weapons, ammo, rations, disguises) then board the Osprey that will take us on an 16 hour flight back to the United States.

Spy School goes CommandoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang