⇨︎ cнapтer ғoυr ; dreaмѕ

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─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎[CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM THE ETERNALS]─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎─︎

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Helping the humans with their daily chores was something Y/n particularly enjoyed doing. Watching them figure out solutions to their dilemmas all on their own absolutely delighted her. Using her powers, she slightly helped a little more than she hoped to by sprouting assorted crops where the humans were farming. Smiles crept onto the farmers' faces, sending the female eternal a thankful glance.

"Isn't that cheating?" Druig whispered as he sauntered beside her, harvesting one of the crops and eating it on the way to another viewpoint of the field.

"Not really." Y/n chuckled. "If you don't tell anyone, I won't tell anyone about the human you controlled earlier."

"He didn't leave you alone and was quite annoying, but I will take the deal," he muttered, surprised she had seen him use his powers.

"Jealousy is a good look on you, Druig." Y/n teased.

"Please, I wasn't jealous," Druig smirked. "I was simply helping you out."

"Whatever you say," Y/n said, leaving him speechless in the field of crops as she turned invisible. "Catch me if you can."


Y/n accidentally fell asleep on the prickly grass from weariness; using her powers for most of the humans seemed to have depleted her more than usual. Druig laid beside her, admiring the flowers she had created with just a swish from her hand just moments earlier.

They spoke for hours until Druig noticed Y/n close her eyes to sleep. Now, the sun was hidden until the next morning would roll around.

For some strange reason, her body craved some other source of power. The deviants' energy she had been avoiding thumped within her, resulting in her going into an unpredictable dream as her mind fought the power from being unleashed.


She stood inside a compartment, surrounded by all the deviants she had killed without regret. A thirst for revenge was mixed with the growls they let out. The deviants shuffled towards her, practically begging her to try something. Extending both hands out, she struggled to use her connection with the earth to win against them. Nothing happened.

In fear, her chest tightened, and her eyes widened.

Abruptly, Druig appeared beside her, latching onto her hand and diminishing the creatures with a simple snap from his fingers.

"You're alright, darling." Druig said.

"I'm alright," Y/n repeated, feeling her ability to breathe return gradually.

"As long as I'm here, the nightmares can't hurt you. There's no need to feel afraid." Druig said, pressing his forehead against hers as they both closed their eyes.

"I don't want to lose control of my powers, Druig," Y/n murmured, preventing her voice from expressing weakness.

"When you feel it taking over, I'll be there to bring you back," Druig guaranteed before everything around Y/n drifted into dust, allowing her to return to her dreamless slumber.


It was clear that more side-effects to Y/n's ability to absorb an inordinate amount of power had begun to show. In her sleep, the energy had attempted to take over, but Druig discovered how to enter her dreams, bringing her back every time. She never remembered the dreams, considering Druig wiped each memory of them ever occurring for her own peace of mind. Y/n continued sleeping, breathing stabilizing as Druig lifted her in his arms to find a better place for her to rest.

She didn't know it, but Druig was the one person who could always bring her back, no matter what.


𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗙𝗟𝗔𝗠𝗘 ─︎ 𝗗𝗥𝗨𝗜𝗚 𝗫 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥Where stories live. Discover now