The Air Smells Of.... Desperation

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Her eyes were like works of art, just one glance and the picture would be painted in your mind for an eternity. Her hand brushed back her long curly locks of black hair and a content smile reached her lips. Another pair of lips delicately brushed over them, kissing softly and sweetly. They both leaned back and gazed at each other, their eyes filled with warmth and love. Before their moment could reach further levels the door to their chamber swung open. The black haired woman jumped in fright and pulled a sheet around her body.

"Your Highness!" The voice rang through the room, desperate and worried. "Please forgive me for barging in, but the village is under attack." His chest moved up and down quickly as if he was about to cry. He stared straight at the blue-gray eyes that went from curiousity and annoyance to alarm and question. Nuisance stood up and swiftly made his way across his chamber and to the body standing in the door way. 

"When did this start?" He asked, his voice strong and not showing any of the emotions he was feeling inside. The man in front of him stood up taller and cleared his throat. 

"Assumed to start an hour or so ago, we didn't find out until they started attacking the palace." He broke his gaze from Nuisance, and as he should have. On the other side Nuisance was being consumed in anger that he was just learning about these events. He pushed the man aside and disappeared out of site. 

"You know very well why I'm here." The voice echoed through the doorway in which Nuisance now stood under. His dark red hair swayed in the wind, covering his pale face. He suddenly could see his eyes though, they shined so eeriely into his own. Nuisance stood there feeling slightly numb and he felt that he couldn't move away. The pale green eyes seemed to taunt at him, he felt like when he stared into them he could see the face of his lover being brutally beaten. He tensed, his stomach went sick. 

Then he heard a scream and he turned his back to the red haired Angel. An immense amount of emotions scratched to the surface and began to crawl around in his skin. 

Then everything went black.

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Nuisance's eyes opened quickly, and he felt something cool being compressed to his forehead. Sleepily he reached for the frabic laying on his head, but a pair of cold hands pushed his own back down. Nuisance heart sped up just for a moment until he turned his head and stared into the eyes of his beautiful lover. He smiled and sighed in relief. It had only been a dream, his Wife was still alive and sitting next to him, tending to him. He reached out to touch her curly black hair, but when he reopened his eyes he shot up startled.

Odd blinked in confusion and then quickly pushed on his chest. "You need to lay back down, don't move so quickly," She hushed quietly and then readjusted the damp cloth. Her face was laced with an old worry, and now it was painted with confusion. The way he had smiled at her made her feel awkward, she had a feeling the smile wasn't meant for her.

"You've been asleep for two days, and you've been running an awful fever." She pulled a chip of ice from the same dingy cup she had served him tea in and placed it to his lips. "I was really worried, you were really sick. You seemed to be having quite a nightmare too." She tilted her head to the side and sighed.

Nuisance kept looking at her in bewilderment. He was still recovering from the vivid dream that now only ceased to utterly confuse him. He wasn't sure if that was just a wild nightmare or an actual memory. "I was... asleep for that long?" He breathed in slight shock still from everything.

"It's alright, nothing interesting has happened while you were out. I just read a few books and attempted to clean." Odd glanced around her. "That didn't turn out so well though." She smiled and stood up from the chair she had placed next to her bed. "Keep laying down for now," She ordered and disappeared behind the curtain into the kitchen. From within the bedroom Nuisance could hear her fiddling with some dishes and water, he laid back and closed his eyes once more.

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