"Do not be a smart ass with me," Melody got up from my bed and walked until she was beside me. "You will tell mother what happened that weekend."

"I didn't kiss him," I spoke through gritted teeth. "She lied to you."

Melody was quiet for a few seconds, but I knew it wasn't going to change anything. She would never believe me over our mother. Not many people did.

"You're disgusting," My sister seethed, her tone cold and degrading. "She'd never do that, you selfish bitch."

I didn't bother to glance up at her brown eyes. The shape of them reminded me of my mother, as did her blonde hair. The only resemblances of my father that Melody had were his eyes and his freckles. They dusted her cheekbones and nose.

She usually covered them with foundation, and tormented me when I didn't do the same to mine. I looked like too much of my father, and none of them liked it. Neither did I.

He cheated on us with a new family, and never spoke to us again.

"I hope you get what you deserve," Melody spoke too close to my face before leaving my room and slamming the door shut behind her.

I sagged in my seat and released a shaky breath. I needed to get out of there before she approached again. Knowing my luck, she'd pester me every hour, so I jogged to my door and locked it. If I didn't answer her, she'd assume I was sleeping.

Grabbing a denim jacket from the back of my door, I quickly threw it over my shoulders and opened my bedroom window.

My phone was gripped tight in my hand, and I hastily contacted Dawn.

"Hey," I said when I knew I shouldn't have. She heard the small cry trying to escape me and it was too late to hang up.

"I'm on my way. We'll go to Adara's house," Dawn hung up.

I didn't deserve her.


"So, here's the deal," Dawn got out of the car, and I did the same, closing the car doors behind us. "A few of Adara's cousins are over, and she only just let me know."

Dawn shut her phone off and slipped it into her pocket. The dim streetlights highlighted the sides of her face, illuminating the slight makeup she had on her face and a few strands of her bangs. She had on a pair of Doc Martens, loose jeans and a black crop top.

"But if you don't wanna be there, tell me and we'll go somewhere else, yeah?"

I nodded, feeling slightly more anxious than I was before. Adara had lots of cousins, meaning 'a few' meant almost a whole house full of strangers. That meant heaps of different personalities and new faces. I didn't know if I liked that.

Once we were at the front door, Dawn knocked a few times before it swung open. Adara's brother, Antanios, smiled down at us in welcome and held the door wider for us to come in. We greeted him and let ourselves into the home of our best friend, walking through the hallway and to the left, where several people sat on the couches of the living room, chatting.

"Last chance," Dawn whispered to me, knowing my social anxiety wasn't going to do me any good.

"It's alright," I said when my eyes caught the sight of Gabriel sitting in the corner with a baby in his arms.

"Let's go to Adara," Dawn held my arm and walked past everyone to the attached kitchen. We nodded at everyone in greeting and they smiled back.

A jumble of Arabic curses were swung around the kitchen when one of Adara's little cousins spilled water onto the ground.

Brake My Bones ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें