09 | Hook and Jab

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"you simply smiled and saved my day."

- e.k.


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Something was going on between Zion and Pearl. Since she'd been shot as a bystander at the beach a while ago, he'd always kept a subtle eye on her, but not to this extent. He was talking to her now, and it made me think she remembered the night she blocked out. That was what Zion told me had happened.

I wished I did that. Block out that night, and every night I was with Zandra. Every waking, torturous moment.

Pearl was lucky in the sense that she couldn't recall the pain she once felt. She'd feel it eventually; the realisation, confusion, hurt. Whatever she was about to feel, Zion was going to be there to witness it. He'd gone out of his way to help her up from the bloodied sand she left behind and into the safety of a hospital bed.

But Pearl was talking to Zion. Either way, they were becoming friends, and it meant she'd be treated like mine, too. I wanted her to feel welcome. Nico would do that automatically. River, not so much. He was like a brick wall, tough to break through mentally. I wasn't going to be like that. She was making Zion a little less grumpy and deserved to feel welcome. It seemed like she was happier, too.

That was why, when she walked into the locker rooms with a notebook and pen in her hand, I smiled at her. Greeted her. Then Jarrett, the little khara, spoke to her, and the smile on my face faded. I'd have to talk to her eventually when we weren't surrounded by sweaty idiots. [shit]

Serenity: and don't forget to watch the shows. there are the movies, and then the shows that come later, some of them before too. it follows a timeline. i'll show you.

Serenity: [ATTACHMENT]

Serenity: it's pretty cool. 27 films altogether.

Serenity: okay, now i'm starting to see that you might not want to start watching the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that's understandable. it's time-consuming, and you might get bored. but... Scarlett Johansson is in some of the films, and Elizabeth Olsen, and Brie Larson.

Serenity: and Chris Hemsworth.

Serenity: Thor <3

Serenity: he's like a golden retriever which makes him my comfort character :)))

It's difficult to not smile while reading her texts. Inevitable. I didn't have to see her face to know she was excited. I felt it in the way she sent text after text, and I wasn't one to complain about that. Seeing her name light up my screen sent a shock of light right through my chest and into my heart.

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