My new school

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'WAKE UP! WAKE UP!' someone screamed. No... No.... 'MOM!' I screamed. I stood up as fast as possible and saw Tobbias in front of me. He looked at me, this time he didn't laugh, but looked at me in remorse. 'No, it's me Tobbias don't worry nothing is going to happen' he said. 'O.. I.. I.. I.. thought.. my mom.. she.. she said.. the same when..', he interrupted me 'you don't have to be scared anymore, I'm here now' he said.

'What are you doing in my room?' I asked. 'Well.. You have to go to school, your brother is taking a shower, so I had to wake you up' he answered. I looked to the clock on the wall, 'really.. School? Right now? It is 6:45' I said. 'School starts at 7:25..' he said.

'Oh okey, thank you for waking me up' I said calm
'No idiot! WHY WOULD YOU WAKE UP SOMEONE LIKE THAT? It... Its... not a war!' I screamed.

I looked to the ground. Tobbias came and sat next to me on my bed. 'Oke, I'm sorry, don't cry' he said wiping of my tears. Wait what? Am I crying?
'Yes you're' he answered
Huh? Did I just said that aloud?
'Yes, you s...' he said before his mood suddenly changed 'yes, get ready, stop crying' he said a bit angry.

Wahauw? What is his problem? His mood changes like every 5 minutes. Did I do something wrong? I don't thinks so.. Maybe.. He just don't want me to stay at his house, if he don't want me to stay I won't. Just before I could say something he walked out of the room and slammed the door.

'Well, good morning to you to!' I screamed so he could here it.

'Breakfast is ready kids!'

I walked to the walk-in clossed to change, but.. The clothes.. They.. They.. Aren't something for me, I mean, yes they're beautiful.. But.. I don't like to wear really short dresses, they aren't only really short they look really expensive too. Yes I'm a princess, but I can't just.. It's not polite. I went downstaires with the pyjamas Tobbias gave me yesterday. Oke, it isn't really a pyjama, it's his white t-shirt and black short.. But I can life with it. I'm not as other princesses, I've had really good friends and my people.. I was actually like them. Weird to hear hah? I will explain, but not now.

'Hi' I said, I turned to the table and saw the breakfast 'ohh it looks really nice' I said.
'Goodmorning Emma, I hope you sleeped well' Nora said. 'Yes, I did' I said and we started to eat.
I saw my brother talking with Tobbias in the kitchen. Where are they talking about? I got curious.
I drank the water in the glass and stood up 'excuse me, I'm thirsty' I said
'Oh, I'll get it for you' Nora said
'Oh no thank you, you have to go to work I'll get it' I said and smiled.
I went to the kitchen, when I came closer they both stopped talking. 'Hey good morning Aliyaah.. I mean Emma!' my brother said and hugged me. 'Good morning Caine, where were you guys talking about?' I asked

'Nothing' they answered at the same time with a guilty voice.
'Nothing? What do you mean with nothing?' I asked and looked them both in the eyes.
'Just..' Caine started
'Just, about school I told him a few things about school that he should know about' Tobbias said
I don't believe them, but oke. Sooner or later will find out.
'Why didn't you change yet?' Caine asked
'Well.. I don't have my clothes with me..' I answerd
'Didn't you see the walk-in closet?' Tobbias said
'Yes, I did..', and he interupted me, again 'well, choose something to wear then' he muttered
'But... They're all short and expensive dresses?' I said, it actually sounded like a question.
'Every girl at school wears short dresses, or skirts or a short' he answered
'Well, I'm not every girl' I answered as he rolled with his eyes.

'Just put some clothes on we need to go' he said irritated and walked to the front door.
'I think he hates me..' I said to Caine
'Well, he's not the only one' he said laughing and walked out of the kitchen

I went upstaires to my room to change. I opened the walk-in closed and searched the longest dress.. Well, the longest dress comes to my knees..But oke, I have to. I saw a button and pressed on it. MORE CLOTHES? I saw a beautiful black skirt and a bordeaux (half-) sweater.

I turned around and saw a lot of shoes, the most of them where high heels, I don't really like to walk on heels.. Oh there, there are a few sport shoes! Nike, Adidas, Vans and All Stars. I chose the bordeaux All-Stars. I also grabbed color tights.

'EMMA, IT'S 7:14!' Tobbias yelled, jip.. He's still mad at me.. I think... But I didn't do anything?
'I'M COMING!!' I yelled back. That was a lie.. I still have to change. I changed as fast as possible. Make-up? Nah.. Not really my thing... But I cam try it? 'EMMA WE ARE GOING, IF YOU DON'T COME NOW WE'LL LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!' Tobbias yelled

'NO,NO! I'M COMING WAIT FOR ME!' I yelled back.

Tobbias p.o.v.
'Why are girls always so slow?' I asked Caine. 'This is actually the first time she's late' he answered. He looked surprised to something, I followed his eyes and turned around. It's Emma. She looks beautiful. I mean, she's beautiful. Her eyes... Lips... Hair... Everything. 'Well c'mon, we need to go' I said. We stepped in my car and I drove us to school. After litterally 4 minutes we arrived. It's 07:20 now. I have all my classes with Emma except for one, mathematics. I already gave the schedule to her brother yesterday.

'You're coming with me' I said and pointed at her 'Caine already has his schedule'. 'I see you later guys' Caine said and walked away.

'Follow me' I said annoyed. Don't act different, your mood changes every 5 minutes' she said. 'You don't know who you're talking to are you?' I said. 'Uhm, to Tobbias?' She said. 'No, to Tobbias Greece' I said. 'Oh okey, I'm Emma, Emma Greece' she said and looked weird at me

I walked away and sighed to her to follow me. 'Stop, wait, why are you acting like an idiot?' She asked irritated. 'I'm not, just because I saved you doesn't mean we're friends, I choose my own friends' I said. 'Okey?' She said 'I'll find the class by my own' she said and walked away. Wait, I want to stop her.. But.. I can't..

There are my best friends, Jack, Mason and Logan. Jack has darkblond hair with brown eyes, I know him since kindergarden. Mason and Logan are twins. In the begin I didn't know who was who, but know I know. Masons eyecolours are a bit darker brown than Logans. If I have to choose Mason is the 'good'twin, Logan is a bit of a badass.

'Hey, bro!' Jack said 'How are you?'. 'Hi, I'm fine, just tired'. Logan looked at Mason because he was starring at something. I follow his eyes and see that he isn't watching to something but someone, Emma. 'Where are you starring at?' I asked irritated. 'She.. She.. I mean.. Look to that girl over there' he pointed at Emma. 'So?' I said irritated. 'Why didn't I saw here before? I mean she's beautiful' he said. 'It's because she's new here' I answered 'I don't think she like boys like yo.. us' I fast corrected myself. 'Well, I'm going to talk to her' he said and ran to her.

Why am I even looking, I mean don't even like her. She's a princess, rich, annoying, she probably doesn't even know how to cook or do her homework ON HER OWN. She's used to her slaves and maids. She doesn't even know what 'real' friends are.

Wait? Why are they laughing? What happend?

'Bro, what are you doing?' Jack asked me. 'Nothing, I just thought that I saw something', I lied.

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