Azriel ⚔️

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Your swords clash as your anger simmers, "Fuck you Azriel." Your anger augments when he keeps his features calm, and his movements smooth.

With your mind slightly unfocused, your movements become more and more clumsy. You become distracted and he hits your sword out of your hands, "fuck," You whisper in defeat.

"Y/n, calm down," he tells you, lowering his sword.

"Calm down? Calm down?!" You laugh, "Azriel, my entire family betrayed me, they clipped my wings," you begin to spill everything that happened, "they threw me away and treated me like I was a fucking animal," you're screaming at this point as tears stream down your face.

"No one, no one came to save me! I escaped myself! I saved myself!! While you sat on your ass and never came to check on me," you sob as you punch his chest, "NO ONE."


"No one!"


"Goddamnit, no one came for me..."

You punch him one last time, and let out a heartbreaking sob, and clutch his shirt as his arms come around you in a tight embrace while you sob into his shirt.

"Why am I not enough?" You ask in a broken whisper, head still buried in Azriel's chest.

"You are enough y/n, you're enough to me, and everyone here." He rubs your back in slow circles and places his lips on your head.

At some point, he moves you to the bed and you fall asleep in his arms.

After that day he continues to remind you daily that you are enough, some ways lewder than others...

A/n: okay I can explain... actually no I can't but still at least I'm writing something. Like I completely ran out of ideas but now I got some more and I'm also working on a request so ha😌 I feel accomplished

Just maybe not so much in English 2 but we don't talk about that ✌️

As always thank you for reading, and much love to you all <3

Your very sleep-deprived hijabi ♥️

Acotar One Shots (Y/n) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя