Azriel 😶‍🌫️

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Au: your wings were supposed to get clipped but you ran away and you got into a little trouble on your way


"Please..." you plead to the light-haired male that stands before you.

"Why would I help a pathetic female who just ran away from a clipping?" He sneers down at you, then a twisted smile forms on his face, "Why don't I just take you back to your father," he crouches down to you. "I'd bet he'd surely love that...wouldn't he?" He whispers the last word and caresses your cheeks in a very unloving way that makes you cringe.

Though you'd been hiding your monthly cycle, and you would stop eating at some points to make sure no one noticed, or it just never came, your brothers, all three, found out when you were sleeping.

"Get away from the female." A husky, deep voice commands.

The light-haired male stands up slowly, a nasty smirk on his face, "And why would I do that?"

"I'm sure the High Lord wouldn't be too joyous with a dead body lying around in the forest."

"Oh, so that's how you want to do it? Alright then, I'll play your little game." He unsheathes his sword, "When I win I'll take her back to her father."

"Bold of you to assume you'll win." The dark-haired one, with wings similar to yours, says unsheathing his sword. 

"We'll see."

With that being said the dark-haired one begins with a jut of his sword. After a few minutes, it's clear that the light-haired male isn't winning, and the dark-haired one is seemingly growing bored.

Then the dark-haired one disappears into what looks like darkness. The light-haired one is shocked and he turns to face you, which is a bad idea. The dark-haired one emerges from the darkness and sheathes his sword into the lighter-haired back. "This was too easy."  The lighter-haired one shouts in pain. And then they've dissolved into the shadows yet again.

Now that they've left you sit there with your heart pounding, ears ringing. A few moments later reality hits you, and all you need is to get out of here before anyone else finds you.

You push yourself to your feet and realize that your nightgown is ripped down the side, hanging on by a single thread, and your leggings are soaked. But you have more pressing matters to worry about than that.

You look up and think if I fly I risk my father catching me, but if I walk there's also a risk of him catching me. Well shit.

You have no idea how your mother endured staying with your father and getting her wings clipped. You sigh and begin to walk keeping alert. No matter how good your hearing is, and no matter how alert you are you don't think you could've heard the dark-haired male that appears in front of you. You gasp, "What are you?"

"A Shadowsinger." That explains a lot.

"Well shadowsinger, have you come to finish the job." You state with a sneer.

"Of course not Lady, I came only to help you."

"Are your words are to make me trust you?"

"No, but this will." He pulls out a ring, your ring. You gasp in realization, but you're still skeptical of him.

"How can I trust that you didn't just steal that?"

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