Wedding Bells

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Where do I begin? From our awkward first meeting to having bad guys and crazy exes thrown in jail, Lucas and I had been through one hell of a journey. The longest one I had ever been through my adulthood, I would dare to say. It was amazing to think how much my life had changed in the months I had known Lucas and the twins. I had gone from independent and never needing anyone besides my best friend to this woman who could not even do so much as breathe without them.

"Are you okay?" Celine asked, tilting her face to meet mine in the mirror.

"Nervous," I said, going for honesty as I tugged on the hem of the white fitted dress clinging to my body.

"'Oh bess," she cooed, adjusting my veil, "you have every right to be, it's your big day."

I smiled sheepishly at the thought, staring down at the ring on my finger that would be joined by another in a few minutes, "It is my big day. Oh my God, I'm getting married bess." The words slammed a fresh dose of unrestrained happiness against my heart and I gasped, willing myself to hold back the tears threatening to come up. Simple as it was, I was not about to go through the long process of reapplying my makeup if I ruined it by crying—again. And I was sure mascara streaming down my lashes would not make for a very good wedding picture.

"Am I going to get married to Aiden too?" Abby asked beside me, a wide grin on her face. Her pale pink dress glittering in the sunlight matched the outlines of mine, with a bow behind. Her hair was braided with a little flower crown on her head and a basket of the same kind of flowers hooked on her arm. She looked simply adorable and I could not wait to see Aiden too.

"Oh no sweetie," I choked on a chuckle, "remember what Aunty Celine said, you just have to be in front of me, and scatter these on the floor while I go to daddy."

She nodded and in a brief second her face lit up with a smile that told me she was about to ask another question. "Chris if you and daddy are getting married today, are you now going to be our mommy?'

I chewed on my lip, my eyes darting to Celine briefly. Lucas and I had gone over this before and I knew he had no problem with his kids seeing me as their mother but the very last thing I wanted was to pressure them into asserting that tile to me. "You don't have to if you don't want to sweetie. Chris is..."

"But I want a mommy,"' she whined, cutting me off before I could tell her I was fine with either. "All my friends at school have mommies and I thought I would have one now that you and daddy are getting married."

"Oh princess, of course, I can be your mommy. We just have to let your..."

"Really?" her high-pitched squeal rang through the room followed by her excited cries as she bounced off happily through the door. Suddenly I was thankful we had gone for a more run-worthy dress than mine would allow.

"...father know,"

"As your bride's maid, I'll go get her," Celine chuckled, dashing off in the direction Abby had gone.

After C left, I took the time to finish the last touches on my dress, hair, and makeup. It was a simple wedding—a major contrast to what everyone else wanted—but after waiting three weeks, I could not spare one more day before getting married to Lucas. At least we had agreed that our vow renewal in a few years would be a much bigger affair, for now, I just needed someone to tell the worlds what we both already knew. That I was his and he was mine and we planned to keep it that way forever. Also, keeping the wedding small meant keeping it private, so no leeches trying to sabotage my big day with annoying questions and definitely no one suing me for breaking their camera when they tried to take a picture of me without my permission.

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