The visit

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I woke up the next morning to an insistent banging on my door, with my hand between my legs, and my mind begging my body to go back to the world where I was free to dream of Lucas and all the things I wished he would do to me.

"Chris...Chris!" Abby's tiny voice rang through my brain, and I forced my eyes open. I released a breath, and rubbed my eye, before dragging myself off the bed.

"Chris!" bang bang bang

"What is it," I cried, in annoyance at my unconventional wake-up call and pulled the door open. I stepped out of my room, to see both kids, smiling happily like they could wait to share what was on their minds.

Somehow they're both dressed, but I do not need to ask who dressed them. Aidens button was done completely wrong, and Abby's dress was inside out.

"It's today!" they yelled in unison.

"What is today?" I asked, confused.

"Grammy and pop-pop, it's today," they cried happily.

"Oh yeah," I said in realization, still trying to figure out why they were up so early just for the visit.

Before I had the chance to react, their little hands grabbed mine and pulled me down the hallway. "We have to get ready," Abby said, hand never leaving mine.

"Grammy does not like it when we're late," Aiden added.

I did not bother trying to resist their pull as they took me down the hallway into their room, they seemed too excited this morning. I walked into their room, and my eyes widened at the total mess they made. There were clothes all around, the bookshelf was completely turned upside down, and there were soap trails leading from the bathroom where I could hear the water running.

"Oh my God!" I yelled, and rushed into the bathroom, to find the tub filled with lather and water, "what happened here?"

"We were trying to get ready, and forgot to turn off the tap," Aiden admitted, as they both looked at me from the doorway.

I pushed my way through the lather trying to find the tap to turn off the water. "I think the tap is broken," Abby whispered.

"What is broken?" Lucas's voice boomed from the doorway, deep and gruff like he too had just woken up. I could not see him from the bathroom, but I could hear his voice at the room door, and from the sound of it, he was not happy either.

"Uh-oh," they whispered exchanging terrified glances.

"Nothing," I called from the bathroom, as I turned off the tap.

In a second, he was inside the bathroom, "what is happening here?"

I pushed my way through the lather, half aware of my soaked nightdress, and the way it stuck to my body. "Same thing I asked,"

He stood behind the kids, wide-eyed, with his eyes lingering on my nipples, which were now visibly poking through the damp dress. I cleared my throat quickly, and he snapped back, "Um..." he cleared his throat, rubbing his forehead. "What's going on," he managed to tear his eyes away from my body, and looked down at the kids. "Aiden, Abigail?"

"We wanted to get dressed quickly so Chris would not have to worry about dressing us up," Abby said guiltily. her eyes looking down

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my voice, not to scare them, "Kids, you know you don't have to worry about that, I'm here to worry about taking care of you."

"We just wanted to help," Aiden said in a small voice too, "we're sorry."

"Well that's not going to fix your room that's in such a mess," Lucas snapped, nose flaring and I could see a vein tick in his neck. My eyes shot to his, silently pleading with him to calm down. "And how is there so much lather in the tub?" his eyes darted around angrily.

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