Underwater Wonderland

Start from the beginning

Once they had chosen their background, they started with the photos. The first photo was just a normal smiling picture. Oikawa had put up his usual peace sign, but nothing too extreme.

The second photo was a little more on the silly side. Oikawa had stuck his tongue out, made double peace signs and used one of them to cover Yana's face from the camera.

The third photo caught Oikawa mid laugh and Yana puffing up one cheek as he gave her bunny ears with his fingers.

By the fourth photo Oikawa had a plan. Oikawa gave Yana a surprise kiss on the cheek. If he was going to make a bold move, he needed it to be a strong one. "Thank you for coming with me, Konpeito-chan. You always seem to brighten my day."

Yana blushed and squeaked as Oikawa kissed her left cheek. She was not ready for that. Yana knew how frivolous he was so perhaps for him it wasn't that big a deal. He probably didn't mean anything by it. She scolded herself internally. I don't have feelings for him. That'd be crazy! Completely ridiculous.

The fifth and final photo was a blur of blue, red and white.


"Oikawa! Wh-What was that for!?" Yana blushed as they stayed inside the booth a moment longer, the light from the booth illuminating a faint ring of gold inside her iris.

"It's just like I said earlier." He grinned and exited the booth. "Now, lets go. We have a few more exhibits to see, right?" Oikawa managed to salvage as much composure as he could while he tried to play himself off as 'cool'. His internal thoughts did not match his exterior. What have I done? What if she is put off by it? Was I too forward? What if she had a boyfriend?! I don't think so considering she didn't say anything. But then, what if she thinks that was just a friend thing? Surely, she won't. Oh, what if she avoids me and doesn't want to see me at all!?! She doesn't seem to be taking it too bad though...hopefully. There was something about Yana that sometimes had him at a loss. He definitely knew what it was.

Yana wasn't sure how to react at first. She was shocked, but it wasn't an unpleasant shock. The tips of her ears turned bright red, not missed by Oikawa. What if it was a friend thing? He seemed like the kind of guy who would do something like that. But then again, maybe not. The mere thought alone of Oikawa using kisses as greetings made her want to cringe. She quickly dismissed those thoughts. He may be flirtatious, smug, and annoyingly flippant, but Oikawa wouldn't do that.

A few large groups of people started filling the area. There seemed to be some tours, perhaps school excursions or maybe a scout group. The pair started weaving through the plethora of people barely able to keep together. Yana gently held onto the sleeve of Oikawa's jacket so as to not be separated.


It had only taken a little under two hours to finish the rest of the tanks. "Let's see, all that's left is the tunnel to the souvenir shop." Oikawa folded up the little paper map and placed it in his back pocket. "There was a surprisingly large amount of fish to see and things to do."

As they rounded the corner both Oikawa and Yana gasped. It was a long underwater tunnel that went right through the largest reef tank. Everything from stingrays, to sharks to fish swam gracefully through the vibrant coral. Yana's face lit up in wonder and childlike curiosity as she pointed to a shoal of fish by the edge of the coral reef. Oikawa was just as amazed as she was. It was like an underwater wonderland. The smiles never left their faces as they slowly walked through the tunnel.

"E-Excuse me!"

The pair turned around to the unknown voice. "Yes?" The owner was dressed in a white polo with a silhouette of a shark printed on the front. The shirt was tucked into his black pants and had a professional camera in his hands. The staff uniform, the pair realized.

"Sorry for bothering you on your date, I'm Tajima Hachiro. I take photos for the marketing team that they then use for the website and brochure." Taijima held up this camera so Yana and Oikawa could see the preview screen. "I saw you both and couldn't help but take a photo, you both looked so happy and the matching outfits were just the perfect touch. Ah, I'm very sorry I took a photo without your permission, but I was wondering if you would let us use the photo." He showed the pair the photo he had taken. "If you don't want us to use them, I can delete it right away."

It was a beautiful candid photo of the pair. Not to exaggerate but it was the kind of scene that seemed like it belonged in a cheesy romance movie. In the photo, the pair were standing side by side while Yana pointed at a particularly pretty fish in awe. Oikawa was mid laugh in the photo, as if he were laughing at a joke that only the pair were privy to. The scene was sweet and left you feeling a little fuzzy inside. The photo radiated happiness that was infectious.

"This is a really good photo." Oikawa looked back up at the photographer. "It's alright with me if you use this picture." Oikawa looked to Yana who quickly agreed. "Yana said it was alright too."

"Really?! Thank you so much! Here, take this card." The photographer was elated as he handed the pair a card with a scan code on it. "Give this to one of the staff members in the store, they will print the photo for you both! You can ask them for two if you'd like. What are your names? I 'd like to credit you on the photo."

"I'm Iwaizumi Yana."

"And I'm Oikawa Tooru."

Taijima wrote the names down and thanked the pair one more time before they parted ways.

"We look so cute together don't you think?" Oikawa grinned as they walked.

"Only because of the matching outfits." Even Yana couldn't deny that he was right. Goddamnit.


Taijima watched as the pair walked away once more side by side, the blue light of the tunnel almost made them seem like silhouettes. Before he knew it Taijima took one last photo of the pair before they exited the tunnel. He then scanned the card so both Yana and Oikawa could print it along with the first photo.


The date had ended smoothly and both Yana and Oikawa thoroughly enjoyed the day. The pair walked back home as they talked about the events of the date. It was an almost perfect day out. The only mishap being that once Hajime spotted the two of them, they had to make a quick escape. Yana bolted into her house while Oikawa cackled all the way back home.


"Yana! Oikawa!" Hanamaki called the pair over.

"We saw something very interesting." Matsukawa smirked and pulled up the website of the aquarium that Yana and Oikawa visited the day before. "As soon as you open the site this picture shows up. I wasn't sure who they were at first since it only showed their backs." Matsukawa swiped to the 'Exhibits' tab. "Then I saw this picture."

It was the first picture that Taijima took of the two when they were looking at the fish. "We look great right?!" Oikawa beamed.

Hajime and the rest of the team slowly gravitated around the four so they could see the photos too. Hajime wasn't sure what to say. His childhood friend and his cousin were the advertisement photos for the aquarium. It wasn't a bad picture, that's for sure. "How? Why? What?"

"Aren't those matching outfits?" Kunimi added. He wanted to see how much he could stir the pot.

"You were on a date?! With couple outfits?!" Kindaichi gasped shocked.

Everyone wanted to ask if Yana and Oikawa had started dating because no one was really quite sure. They practically spent a ridiculous amount of time with each other because of the club. Not only that, but apparently they were in the same class and were group mates for the senior project. There was some very obvious pining that all the members of the team had noticed.

"Why were you and Hanamaki looking up the aquarium?" Yana deflected the attention to the Matsukawa, Hanamaki pair.

Matsukawa shrugged while Hanamaki looked away. "No reason..."

The rest of the team understood. Ah, them too.

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