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       "I wAs GoInG tO tElL YoU bUt I fOrGoT!" Sapnap said, mocking dream. "Oh shut up- like there isnt something between you and Karl!" dream joked. "I TOLD GEORGE NOT TO TELL ANYONE!" Sapnap shouted. dream and george burst out laughing. "ITS NOT FUNNY DICKHEADS! WHAT IF HE FINDS OUT!" sapnap said. "SAPNAP ITS OK- ITS OK- HE WONT FIND OUT-" Dream said, wheezing.

        "OK- AND IF HE DOES ILL BEAT BOTH OF YOUR GUYS ASSES!" sapnap said. "god your aggressive-" george said. "Me? Look at who your dating!" sapnap said. :Well im sorry im so good at acting!" dream said with sass. george giggled. "anyways- you're boring- bye!" dream said, before hanging up. george laughed. "babe, i'm hungry. can we get something to eat." george asked dream. Dream looked at george smilimg. "Did you just call me babe?" dream said, clearly excited.

      George thought for a bit. "I guess so? i dunno i wasnt thinking i assume." george said, nor finding to be a big deal. "Aww! baby! thats the first time you've called me anything that isnt dream!" dream was very happy. george laughed. "Wont me to coll you that more?" he asked. "Yes please!" dream said. "Ok them, can we please get some food now? Im really hungry-" george said. 

        "Sure, where do you want to go eat?" dream asked. "why not subway!" george said. "Alright then! lets go!" dream said. after they had gotten and eaten the food they had to get home. "How did we get hea again?" george askeed. "Car?" dream responded.  "Dream- i cant drive, and you dont have a caa-" george said. "Yeah? we ubered-" dream said in a confuseed voice. "Ugh!" george groaned. "I wonna walk back home this time!" george said, in an excited tone. 

       "Alright then, lets head home!" dream said. dream and george began walking home. it was all going smoothly until, a georgenotfound fangirl came along. now neither one of them mind fangirls or fanboys, but the ones like this one were.... not their favorites. 

        "Oh my god, are you georgenotfound!?!" the girl asked. dream had his faced covered in case of something like this. it wasnt his mask, just normal black face covring mask. "Um- hey! nice to meet you!" george said with a smile. the girl gasped and was obviously excited. "Im katie!" the girl said. "Nice to meet you, katie!" george said. "by the way, can we get a picture?" she asked. "Sure why not!" george said. "here!" katie said, handing dream the phone to take the picture. dream didnt say anything. he didnt want his voice to be recognized and take the attention away from george. he simply nodded and got ready to take the picture. 

        after they got into a pose, dream counted down with his fingers to show he was taking the picture. he took the picture, gave the phone back to katie and was expecting to move on. "Oh! by the way, you're really hot!" katie said getting closer to george.

     "erm- thank you..." george said. he was uncomfortable but didnt want to make it clear. dream picked up on it. "Are you ok georgie?" dream whispered quiet enough for only george to hear. "huh? oh yea- dont worry!" he said smiling at dream. "And honestly, i think we'd make a great couple!" katie said. this pissed dream off but he knew he couldnt do anything. "H-hey you seen my recent stream?" george asked, with a nervous stutter.

    "No why?" katie asked, confused. "well- have you heard of dnf?" george had getting closer to dream. "Yeah but like i said, i think we'd be a nice couple so i dont like the ship!" katie said, pulling george to her. "About that.... dnf is a thing, and its real..." george said. katie chuckled as if george just told a funny joke. "aw thats funny! almost believed you!" katie said. "So, my instagram is katie_123 you can follow me and we can talk more ;)" she said. "Katie, its not a joke. I really am gay.." he said as he went to hold dreams hand. "No, your straight. now follow me on instagram and we can talk more!" katie said, with an agnry tone. "Katie!-" george tried to say something. "He's gay and not interested, now piss off!" dream interrupted.

      katie scoffed in disguised and walked away annoyed. dream looked at george. "dream i-im sorry! i didnt know she would be like that! if i had known i would have said no to the picture!" george said, panicked. "George its ok! its not your fault! you cant control your fans! no one can control their fans! dont worry about it!" dream said, calming george.      

here comes the boy~ ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now