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          Georgewoke up, annoyed. He still wanted to sleep, but his alarm screaming at him towake up was bugging him too much to continue sleeping. "There no way it's 9:00am already!" he said in a mumble-ly British accent. He looked at his phone,reading the note he had set with his alarm. 

            "Oi I get you still wanna sleep butits streaming day!" his alarm note read. "Right! Streaming day!" he said get upand walking to his closet. He groaned as looked threw his closet. He saw his favoritehoodie, dreams hoodie. Dream was his best friend and his biggest supporter.George had smiled and grown a slight brush as he looked at it. George hadalways liked dream, in a friend way at first but it slowly became a crush.

             George didn't realize how large this crush was he had always just assumed itwas a small feeling he held in his heart. Little did he know this feeling wasmore then half his heart. As he got lost in his thoughts he hadn't realizedalready almost 5 minutes had gone by. Soon he had snapped back to reality andlooked at the time. "9:06!?! Did I zone out for that long!?!" He said tohimself, slipping on the hoodie over a white tee-shirt he had slept in. he hadlooked down seeing had already had sweat pants on. "Eh- chats not going to seethe pants." He said walking over to his streaming chair. Has he sat down herealized he had gotten multiple calls and messages from dream. "Oh- umm-Whoops-" George said with a small chuckle.

             He called dream back hoping he'llanswer. He did, George kept his camera off feeling his face heat up in advance."GEORGE!" dream yelled out. "SORRY- I ZONED OUT!" He yelled back. "What did youzone out on? Wait- that doesn't make sense- what did you think about to makeyou zone out! That's better-" Dream ask. "Uh- my phone?" George said in aquestionable tone. "Mhm sure-" Dream said sarcastically. "I'm not lying Iswear!" George said, opening twitch. Dream laughing a bit as George's Britishaccent. "Your accent makes you so cute when angry..." dream said close to hismic in a flirty voice. George stuttered as he turned red at the comment. "No!I'm not cute when angry!" he said, obviously flustered even threw his voice.Dream laughed, knowing how easily George was flustered.

           "ok, hey go start yourstream!" Dream said looking at the time. "Oh right!" George said, going on tohis twitch account. He started the stream. "HIII! HII CHAT!" He said loudlygreeting everyone joining the stream. "Hi chat! Hey chat! Hiiii!" Dream hadgreeted as well.

here comes the boy~ ((DISCONTINUED))Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz