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          They had looked at each other. They held hands feeling the love put behind the song. The next song to play was "cloud nine"but again another boy version. they had laid on the bed together enjoy the music while also admiring each other. The last song was "meteor shower" by cavetown. "Meteor shower. Quick take cover! but the hues in our hair, complement one another. I'd sell my own bones for Sapphire stones cause blue is your favorite color..." 

          Dream sung along to this part, he'd memorized it knowing blue was George's favorite color. It was so peaceful you could fall asleep to it. The speaker went off again."That was the end of "My baby <3" a playlist". 

          Dream got up to turn off the speaker." you really made that for me?" George asked dream getting up with him. "Yeah! I made it a while ago. The name was originally just "George<3" but well, I changed it after you said ok to being my boyfriend." Dream chuckled. 

         George had gasped. "George what's wrong?" dream asked his boyfriend concerned. "We haven't told the fans! Oh, and I'm streaming tomorrow!" George said. "Shit you're right- you know what! It's ok! We'll tell them tomorrow! I'll be in your stream, I'll have my mask and if they ask we'll tell them!" dream said, coming up with that plan on the spot.

          "Are you sure that will be alright? What if chat doesn't like it or gets mad?!" George said starting to worry. "What? No! literally almost all of the chat ships DNF!" dream said. "What about the ones who don't? they'll get mad at us!" George said starting to have a panic attack." No! George it'll be ok!" dream said.

           "No, it's not ok dream! They'll get mad and it'll be all over Twitter and people will take sides and it's just going to get us both in trouble!" George said on the verge of tears. "George it's ok! Who cares if they get mad or about Twitter! If they get mad, ok then they're mad! They can't do anything to you anyways!" Dream said trying to comfort George.

            George didn't say anything. He just ran up to dream, hugging him and crying into his hoodie. "I'm scared dream... I want to tell them but I'm scared..."George cried.

           "I know... I know baby. I'm scared too" dream said holding George. Hearing George made dream choke up. He felt bad that George felt so much fear over some stupid people over the internet. Like yes, he feared telling them too but he doesn't want George to feel that. Dream held George's chin bringing his face to dreams. 

          "George... I promise no matter what those people say I will protect you and always love you." Dream said, keeping his promise. George had sniffled. "Thank you dream... I love you." George said calming down still hugging dream. "You're welcome. I love you too my pretty boy." Dream said before giving George a kiss on the forehead. George had fallen asleep on dream.

here comes the boy~ ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now