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Dream moved his curser over the camera icon. "Ready?" dream asked George. "As ready as ever!" George said excitedly to see dream for the first time. Dream had clicked the camera icon to reveal a dirty blonde, green-eyed, fit, young man.

            George had watched dream. Not in shock, but in love. He'd fallen in love with dreams face, as that was the only thing he hadn't fallen in love with yet. George had already fallen in love with dreams personality, voice, laugh, not to mention his hands. Dream had laughed. "You ok Georgie?" dream said with a smile.

             George had never thought he'd love that name so much. "Yeah, your just..."George smiled. "more than I imagined. I guess you could say I've fallen in love with you more." George said. Dream chuckled. "Am I the man of your dreams? Pun intended." Dream spoke. George laughed. "Yes, you are. You're the man for my dreams and the hero of my nightmares." George said happily. Dream smiled, as soon as he heard that he'd made a promise to himself. He promised himself he'd never hurt George in any way and would protect him for the rest of their lives.

                    Dream had already known he wanted to be with George and protect him forever so now he just has to make sure he does that very thing. "And I'll always be your hero no matter what." Dream said. "So, when are you coming over?" George asked jokingly. "Well, because you asked... next week! I booked a ticket like two months ago." Dream said. "Really!? That's great!" George said smiling. "I know! I can't believe I waited this long!" Dream said.

               "What day will you becoming?"George asked so he knows when to get everything ready. "Well, I leave at around1:00 am on so I'll probably get there around 6:00 6:30 AM on Monday." Dream said.

here comes the boy~ ((DISCONTINUED))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu