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             "Oof-so like early morning huh?" George said. "Yup- guess you'll have to startwaking up early!" Dream joked. "I guess so!" George responded laughing. Afterhours of them talking its was already sunrise for George. "Dream it's sunrise Ihave to go sorry," George said feeling bad. "No George it's ok! You go sleep Iwant you to rest." Dream said.

                 "Ok, I love you dream." George said with a yawn."I love you too. Goodnight baby." Dream said. This shocked George. Dream wasthe first to use a nickname. George smiled. "Bye bye!" George said, wavinggoodbye. "Bye." Dream said. The rest of the week passed by and George was soexcited. He had already set up dreams room. He was ready to sleep and had hisalarm set for 4:00 AM so he can wake up early. He had gotten into bed and turnedon his tv for background noise. He closed his eyes with a yawn and fellasleep. 'beep beep beep' hisalarm blared.

                  George woke up, realizing what today was. He got up very excited.He threw on his clothes and messaged dream. "Dream! Are you on the plane?"George messaged him. "Yeah! You're up early! Lol" Dream responded. Georgelaughed. "Yeah! I just can't wait!" George messages back. "Me either! I justwant to hold you in my arms :<" dream messaged. George smiled imagining whatdream feels and smells like. After texting for about an hour, George hadrealized it was 5:55 AM. "Hey, Georgie my plane's landing ill message you, when I'm getting off" Dream messaged George. "Ok! I love you!" George messaged him back.

                       Heclosed his phone ran outside, grabbed his bike, and rode his to the airport. Assoon as he got there he dropped his bike off and look around for dream. Dreamwas sitting on a bench. He messaged George letting him know he landed. He gotup and started looking to see if George was already there.

                     He was thinking ofways to sneak up to George. "Should I hug him from behind? Sneak up on him andscare him? Maybe I should wait for him?" he thought. "or maybe-" he was cutoff. "DREAM!" he hears from across the airport. He looks over to see George. 

here comes the boy~ ((DISCONTINUED))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat