Welcome home| Chapter 20

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Atlas: Welcome home!

Kris: Where are we?

Atlas: Somewhere they can't find us, I need to tell you something, important, follow me inside and I can tell you.

Kris follows Atlas because what other choice did they have. They got to a big table inside and Atlas sits next down to Kris, about to tell them a story worth listening to.

Atlas: Let me start from the beginning. A long time ago, Master and Octavius trapped me into the void, as I went mad with the power granted to us. I spent all of that time, wondering, if I made the right choices. I made a promise to myself Kris, it was to never hurt anyone ever again, anger led me to the void. Do you know why I was angry? Master and Octavius, killed everyone. I'm not the same species, in fact there had been a war between my one and theirs, but when we got our powers they went crazy on everyone, not even the children were safe.

I was only doing what was best, defending my people the best I could, but I was weak back then, allowing them to over power me. Once they were done with killing everyone and realised they couldn't kill me, the threw me into the void, like I was trash being thrown into a bin. But the void helped me, it let me gain more power there, and soon enough I was able to over power both of them.

But something stopped me getting my revenge, the void did, the one who trained me had grown scared of what I had become. It told me it wouldn't let me out until I realised war and revenge wasn't the answer. I sat their meditating for billions of years, until it let me out, knowing I had no more anger or revenge in me.

The reason Master and Octavius has been helping you is, because they also lost something, a friend. I was once their friend but the power got to them, not me, I tied telling them to stop and calm down but they didn't listen. I kept trying to reach them, but no answer, that's when I got angry and attacked them.

Back to the reason why they are helping you, is because after getting rid of me, they found out what they did and swore to help anyone that needs help. But no, it was to late for me as they thought they were always in the right. I'm going to harm you Kris, I never was, just protecting you from, the time destroyer.

You see, he wants you but to destroy time, I got you before he did, meaning time is safe. But that war I told them is still going to happen, it has to. Now when we do go to war I want you to understand who you are fighting with and I want you to make the right decisions. If you choose them, that's fine, I won't get mad, but if you choose me, then i'm glad you listened to me. Remember Kris, it's up to you, it always has been, I won't stop you from going back to them, I just wanted you to understand without anyone getting in our way.

There's also a video I want to show you, it's what happened on that day, you with hear billions of screams and i'm sorry if they traumatise you, just tell me if you want it switched off and i'm not trying to brain wash you, i'm only showing you the truth.

Atlas loads the video up and Kris starts to hear the screaming, they could hear Atlas trying to get them to stop but Master and Octavius didn't listen. Kris manages to watch the full video and it ends with Altas being thrown into the void.

Atlas: Thank you for watching the truth, Kris. I hope I haven't traumatised you, that was never the plan, but now you can understand why I tried to stop them.

Kris: I'm sorry. But I can go now right?

Atlas: Yes, i'm not going to stop you, you can leave if you want, I just wanted you to understand the truth.

Kris: I'll... stay.

Atlas: R-really?

Kris: Yes. I understand the truth and want to help you, if you need any.

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