What?| Chapter 2

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Susie: *Yawn* morning Kris..... Kris? What the hell, where am I?

Susie woke up in a personalised dressing room, she sat up wondering if she was still dreaming, they she heard a voice coming from the other side.

Bodyguard: Are you awake in there madam?

Susie: (Who the hell is that?) Uhh, yes.

Bodyguard: Great! be ready in 10 minutes! make sure you look your best for the audience!

Susie: (Audience!? where the hell am I!? I guess i'll have to go along if I want to figure out where I am.) Oh, ok!

Susie stood up still a bit tired, she walked to her big closet that was full of clothes, she picked a pink sparkly dress but it was a bit 'tight' in certain places, she wasn't happy with how tight it was so she ripped it until she was satisfied with how it looked.

She saw her ax in the corner of her room, so she decided to intergrade into her dress. When she was done she looked into her mirror.

Susie: (Damn, why does this look kind of... good?)

Bodyguard: Are you done in their mam?

Susie: (Oh god, here we go) Yes!

Bodyguard: Great! just in time! let's go find the other!

Susie: (Others?) Um, ok.

Susie walks out of her room where the bodyguard can be seen waiting outside, he compliments her dress and walks her to the back stage area where the others would be. She finally got to the back stage area, her bodyguard walks her in through the door, she then sees Kris in a suit with some of their armour on sitting on the sofa.

Susie walks over to them sitting on the sofa, the body guard stands by the door letting them two talk.

Susie: Heh, nice suit.

Kris: Nice dress.

Susie: Where are we?

Kris: Why would I know? I woke up here as well.

Susie: Hmm, strange. 

Kris: Seems like we are going on a talk show.

Susie: No shit Sherlock. I guess it's just us two then.

In the distance they both heard the bodyguards complaining someone taking a long time, both of them wondered who it would be. The bodyguards were getting impatient so they decided to leave and get the last person.

Susie: Man, they're really impatient, I wonder who it is.

Kris: The show starts in 5 minutes so no wonder they are mad.

After waiting for a minute they finally saw who was taking so long walking through the door with the bodyguards angry at him. It was Ralsei, he was wearing a green and black suit with a bowtie. Kris and Susie stood up immediately not expecting him to be here. They didn't get time to talk to him as they were about to go on stage.

Bodyguard: Alright, are we all ready?

Kris: I-I guess.

Bodyguard: Great! then wait here until he tells you guys to walk on stage.

They then heard the show beginning, with flashy lights and loud noises. The curtains opened and the host was sitting on his chair announcing the show.        

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