Returning the SOULs| Chapter 15

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Let's go back to when Master dropped them off.

Master: Remember, call me when you've got the SOUL.

Toriel: You got it.

????: Oh boy! new friends!

Toriel: Who's there?

????: I'm the puzzle master!

Toriel: We listen here, puzzle master, we are here for the SOUL.

Puzzle master: Oh? the SOUL? well to get it you'll have to answer many riddles and puzzles!

Rouxls: I like puzzles!

Puzzle master: The you'll like these ones! Let us begin!

The puzzle appears in front of them, it's the same one Rouxls used on Kris in the dark world. Toriel looks at it and pushes the box onto the switch.

Puzzle master: Well done! but we are only just begnning!

The next puzzle appears in front of them, it was a Simon says game they had to get it right 15 times, Lancer tries it first but he just presses random colours, Rouxls then tries it but he get confused with how fast the colour are going, he messes up on the 10th one and Toriel gives it a try. She goes full concentrating mode and barely makes it to the 15th one.

Puzzles master: Great job! I thought that would get you out, next one!

The 3rd puzzles appears in front of them, it was a crossword puzzle the theme was personalised to each one of them, puzzles for Rouxls, spades for Lancer and baking for Toriel. After taking an hour to solve it, they finally move onto the next puzzle.

Toriel: That took forever.

Rouxls: You're tell me.

Lancer: Um, excuse me, puzzle man, but how many do we have left?

Puzzle master: You have completed 3/50, if you continue at this rate you'll get the SOUL by tomorrow.

Toriel: 50!? oh my days.

All of them strap in for the long ride, Puzzle master asks lots of riddles and makes lots of puzzles, word searches, sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, Rubik's cube, math puzzles, quizzes, mazes, mahjong, solitaire, chess, checkers and scrabble. After getting half way through Rouxls gets fed up with all of the puzzles and challenges the puzzle master to a battle.

Rouxls: That's it! I can't take anymore! I challenge you to a battle!

Puzzle master: What type of battle?

Rouxls: A fighting one! with dodges and attacks!

Toriel: What!

Puzzle master: Very well, I haven't had one of those in a while.

The puzzle master gets rid off all of the puzzles in front of them and the battle starts, Rouxls is ready to fight while Toriel just stands there confused as ever not knowing what to do, Lancer is also ready for a fight but less confident the Rouxls.

The battle started and Rouxls summoned tons of puzzles he used against the puzzle master, but he hardly takes any damage, Toriel uses a random spell from her staff, it caused the puzzles master's attacks to slow down by 5%, Lancer didn't know what to do, he did and didn't want to fight at the same time, so he decided to not do anything.

Puzzle master: No fight little one? they you'll die bravest than them.

The puzzle master attacks back, and instantly brings Rouxls down by telling him his puzzles are worse than a 5 year old could build, he then insults Toriel's baking but she wasn't fazed as she could always do with the feed back, Lancer goes down as well, he told him he sucked at ruling and his dad did better.

Time Twist (Deltarune)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz