Locations| Chapter 8

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Master: So the computer has found two time machines that's connected to the Big Bond Cosmos, but...

Susie: But?

Master: They're very hard to get.

Susie: How hard?

Master: Well the first one is in the "Dreemurr". It's a universe where Dreemurrs rule the universe, it's held in a secure vault only the Dreemurrs can access.

Toriel: Well, i'm a Dreemurr.

Master: But here's the problem, only the Dreemurrs of that universe can open the vault so we can't go for that one.

Susie: What about the second one?

Master: A bit easier to get, it's in the "Ralsei" universe.

Kris: The what?

Master: "Ralsei" universe. It's a universe where the leader of the universe is controlled by Ralsei, everything done is under his command.

Kris: What's the bad news?

Master: It's a very difficult universe to get to, you first have to go to the "Kris" universe then the "Undertale" universe, then you can get to his universe but to first get to the "Kris" universe you have to prove why you want to go there as they only let the best of the best in.

Susie: Are you serious? all of that for a time machine? that seems like a long ride.

Master: Got a better Idea?

Kris: I have a question.

Master: What is it Kris?

Kris: So these Big Bond Cosmos things connect the universes together?

Master: Yes.

Kris: Didn't you say you could make them anywhere?

Master: Yes but you need both universes to agree, that why we can't go directly to Ralsei universe, because he doesn't allow anyone to make one to his universe.

Kris: Can't we... make our own time machine?

Master: It takes lot of time and power to make one.

Kris: Can I at least know the recipe?

Master: Recipe? recipe? recipe! computer! is there a recipe to make a time machine?

Computer: Yes there is, would you like it?

Master: Yes!

Computer: Ok, putting recipe on screen.

Black hole

Regeneration matter

1 tear from the mystical unicorn of Earth

Gemstone of the prince of emotion

10 million litres of lava from Mars

10 million litres of water from Neptune

5 thousand litres of the dark fountain

Blood from some sort of royalty

Pure acid from the Queen herself

Computer: Once you have all of those things you will have to use a computer to combine them all to safely make one, which I can provide you with.

Susie: Since when did mars have lava?

Computer: It's underground, luckily there are different Mars' in different universes so they chances of one with lava on the surface is high, the same with Neptune.

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