Adventure! | Chapter 18

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Susie: What the hell? it's the same!

Ralsei: It could be a parallel universe?

Susie: I guess, well what are we waiting for! let's go explore!

Ralsei: You sound exited Susie!

Susie: Well, I like going on adventures! especially with you guys.

Susie: Aw, Susie.

Susie: Shush! you didn't hear anything! c'mon! let's go already!

Kris starts to walk and they follow them like usual, and after walking for a while they get to the town. There seemed to be more people there than usual, the three of them stopped when they heard the other Kris, Susie and Ralsei, they quickly hid behind a bush they couldn't been seen, but they overheard them.

Susie: Wow! why are there so many people?

Ralsei: From the last adventure we went on silly! there was lots of people in that world so there's going to be more people here!

Susie: Seems a bit, over crowded.

Ralsei: It does, but it'll soon thin out! once everyone calms down and finishing looking around they'll soon start to clear.

Susie: They better! or else i'll clear them myself!

Susie 2: This Susie sounds interesting, she even sounds like me.

Kris 2: I'm going to go out.

Ralsei 2: What?

Susie 2: Why? they'll know we're here.

Kris 2: I know, but they sound friendly and I would like to see everyone's reaction as there is so many people, I think it will be funny.

Susie 2: You are so chaotic sometimes, and I love it, i'll follow you.

Ralsei 2: Guess we're going out.

Susie 2: Shhh, I think they're coming.

Susie: So now what do we do?

Ralsei: You can go home! or stay here until you are ready to live!

Kris: Well I have to get back so Toriel isn't mad at me.

Susie: Screw her dude! call her and tell her you're having a sleep over! i'm sure she'll be fine with it! if you tell here it's at my place then she'll probably say it's fine.

Susie 2: Pssst, Kris, we should totally do that.

Ralsei 2: But lying is bad and doesn't she already know this place exits?

Susie 2: Fair point.

Kris: Fine, in there any reception down here?

Ralsei: In the castle! you can call anyone from there, even people on the light world! as the fountain boosts the signal.

Susie: Man, you got everything Ralsei! must be some powerful WIFI!

Susie 2: Is that how it works?

Ralsei 2: Yep.

Susie 2: Cool, i'm so jealous, we going out or not Kris?

Kris 2: Yes it's now or never.

Susie: Well let's go back to the castle.

Kris: Wait, who's that?

Everyone hears Kris and looks at the direction they were pointing, everyone could see another Kris, Susie and Ralsei. Everyone is just silent, just staring at them, everyone is freaked out and they run away clearing a path for them. They start walking up to the other Kris, Susie and Ralsei who were just watching them come closer and closer, they stop in front of them and everyone just looks at each other.

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