The Plan| Chapter 7

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Octavius walks over to the table, he rolls out a big piece of paper on the desk and gets some pencils and pens out ready to draw a plan. Everyone by now if feeling better and walk over to the table ready to discuss the plan.

Toriel: So what are we up against?

Master: The Time destroyer, he tries to destroy it but we've stopped many times in the past, but he has someone new with him.

Susie: Which is?

Master: W.D Gaster. People have said he's the reason the Time destroyer is much more powerful now, he's said to have 6 SOULs with him but needs 7 to fully destroy time, that's why it's nearly broke as he's nearly done.

Toriel: No.

Octavius: No?

Toriel: There's no way he's alive, I though I killed him.

Master: So you know who he is?

Toriel: Only a bit, all I know is that we battled in the past and I succeeded in killing him... but I guess I failed.

Kris: When was this?

Toriel: Before the Time destroyer got his hands on those 6 SOULs, Gaster had them, I tried to free them but I guess he got them back some how. Kris, you didn't make a deal or anything did you?

Kris: Not that I remember.

Toriel: What about pulling out your SOUL at night?

Kris: Yes...

Toriel: Then i'm sorry, but it's too late, you signed a deal with him and now he wants your SOUL.

Kris: Well what do I do!?

Toriel: Keep it in your body! as long as he doesn't have control over your body then it's fine.

Kris: But... I pull it out.

Toriel: Then someone needs to be there with you at night, to prevent you from ripping it out.

Kris: So don't let my SOUL be free and Time will be fine?

Master: No, Time is still breaking slowly, the more the SOULs the faster it breaks, as long as they don't have your SOUL then they can't break it completely but Time is still in danger.

Ralsei: Well how do we, not make it in danger?

Master: Return the SOULs to the original owners, the less they have the more Time will fix.

Susie: But where are they stored?

Octavius: They each have their own stations doted around space and Time.

Kris: And time?

Octavius: Yes, he managed to put them in different times as well as space. He put the strongest one at the end of the universe 1 millisecond before it dies, and the second strongest one at the Big Bang 1 millisecond after it started. The rest are dotted through out time, constantly changing where they are in time.

Ralsei: Constantly changing?

Octavius: Yes, they travel through time every second never going to the same place twice, we can't even tell where they were and where they are going next, it's impossible to find the others.

Kris: What if, the one at the end of the universe and beginning we're powering the others making them be able to go everywhere.

Master: Wait! that's it! Kris you're a genius! The two of them are powering the other using the heat from the beginning of the universe and cold from the end and combining they making it able for the others to be everywhere in 1 second. Computer!

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