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Toriel: Good morning you two! it's Saturday so you can do whatever you want today! Susie, feel free to get yourself some breakfast!

Susie: I forgot I was here, also wasn't it Wednesday when we went to sleep?

Kris: We were in the dark world for days, so I guess time has passed to Saturday.

Susie: I guess you're right, but won't the school be closed?

Kris: Saturday actives and it's always open in case some of the students need to get some work.

Susie: Well, let's head over there once we eat our breakfast.

Susie and Kris get up and get their breakfast, they eat it at the table and Toriel is warmed to see them eating together, she then asks them if they had any weird dreams.

Toriel: You two didn't have any weird dreams did you?

Kris: Like what?

Toriel: We were on this show, then we had to save time against this person and we had a time machine and lots of people were there.

Kris: Ah, that wasn't a dream, that was real, it happened.

Toriel: W-what?

Kris: Me and Susie were going to the school no reason, why don't you come with us and we can show you that it was all real.

Toriel: Hmm, fine, but this better not be a prank, i'll let you finish your breakfasts, i'll be outside waiting.

Susie: Why did you tell here?

Kris: She's going to be confused and I want her to know that she saved lots of SOULs.

Susie: Hmm, ok, but as long you tell her to keep it a secret then it's fine.

Kris and Susie finish their breakfast and go outside where Toriel is waiting. She follows them to the school and they walk up to the supply closet, Kris opens it and Kris and Susie are instantly stunned by the fact it's just a normal supply closet. Kris closes the doors and opens them again, but it didn't work, Susie starts to panic but that's when they hear a noise behind them.

It was the Madotas, trying it best to phase in, all of them stared at it with Kris and Susie crossing their fingers as hard as they could watching it try to land in. It phases out and tries to phase back in, it sounds like it's trying it's hardest to land but something is stopping it. After Toriel starts to recognise it, it starts to phase back in.

It lands and the doors fly open, a voice tells them to get in quickly as it doesn't like the light world, they rush in and the doors close back in phasing it back out. There was so much smoke they couldn't see who it was, they landed at Ralsei's castle and ran out, they left the doors open allowing the smoke to clear. The person also steps out after them watching the smoke clear, when they turn around Kris, Susie and Toriel are able to see who it is.

It was Master, he was just looking at them all.

Master: Sorry about that, it just did not like the light world.

Susie: What the hell happened! what did you do!

Master: Me!? what did you do!?

Susie: We didn't do anything!?

Master: Then why is the entrance gone!?

Susie: I don't know! we though you caused it!

Master: No! I don't that sort of power! you're lucky I managed to land the thing! it just did not what to.

Toriel: I remember you! Master? was it?

Master: Yep!

Toriel: I thought that was all a big dream!

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