5: Pain and Suffering

Start from the beginning

"You didn't notice she didn't come home last night?" he said, his voice lowered. 

That scared me. He was always loud when he was angry. He was still angry, but he was quiet. this couldn't be good. 

"Or yet today? she packed her bags yesterday and it's all your f**king fault!" he yelled, getting louder as he progressed. Throughout his explanation, I hadn't realized how close he had gotten until moments before his fist connected with my jaw. And as I turned, holding my sore jaw, I got another one to the side of the head. 

If I wasn't careful I could get a concussion. No more head-shots I told myself. Instead of going for the head, he went for my gut, leaving me hunched over groaning, exposing my back which he hit with his elbow, sending me to the floor. 

This was not good. I tried getting up before he could start kicking me but I was too slow. 

A kick to the ribs, and gut was about too much for me. More punches to the face, making my eye swell and blood drip from my nose. I was calling out in pain, hoping he would stop but this only made him stronger. 

As I was laying on the floor, I saw Hazel step out from the corner of the kitchen. I knew she would try and help, but if I wasn't strong enough to fight back, there's no way she could. I looked at her, hoping she would see the pain in my eyes and have enough sense to run the other way. She had a set look on her face only meaning one thing. She wasn't going to listen. 

I nodded my head no, as little as I could so my dad wouldn't turn around and see her. she looked away from me and at the back of his head and sprinted, jumping on his back. She put her arm around his neck in a choke-hold that wouldn't last long, as he clawed at her arm. 

Him being an ex boxer, knew how to handle this and bent forward, sending her flying over his head, losing her grip and falling to the floor. hard. 

He walked over to where she landed and said "oh, you're going to regret that Missy" he growled. That's the second time someone had said that to her today, and it didn't end well the first time so this was bound to be bad. 

Before she could move out of the way he kicked her side, making the most awful sound escape her mouth. I wanted to cry. He was hurting her, worse than he had ever hurt me. 

I wish he would have left her alone. It was my job to protect her and I hadn't been doing a very good job of it today. Since he likes hearing people suffer, he bent down and punched the side of her face. she closed her eyes, breathing heavily. 

please pass out, please pass out. I said it over and over in my head. Then she wouldn't feel the pain he was causing her. 

She was such a little thing, much more of this would have her in the hospital. He just kept going, kicking her stomach, chest, back and her head. 

"M-Ma-s-son" she said in between kicks. Just hearing her say my name was like a punch directly to my heart. she opened her eyes searching for me. Damn it, she could feel everything. 

I hated hearing how much pain she was in, so I tried getting up, but my whole body protested. locking eyes with her, I could tell she was almost at her limit. My dad, noticing our shared look evilly said "Say bye to your little girlfriend," swinging his leg back, aiming right at her head. 

"No!" I shouted as loud as my lungs would allow me, but nothing could have stopped the blow to her head that knocked her out. 

I could see blood coming through her blonde hair, making a puddle on the floor beside her. This was really bad. my dad turned back to me with a satisfied look on his face. 

"Enjoy your little show?" he said grabbing a fist-full of my hair, pulling my head up, inches away from his face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Maybe the next time you try to ruin my life, you'll remember this day, and make a better decision. You understand that, you little shit?". 

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