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I don't believe until right now that I have ever suggested any songs in this book. Then again I could be wrong, one check in the menu will be a direct slap to my face but who cares? I have some songs to suggest that I felt would make a great action chapter background music. They are not BTS (sadly) but I do appreciate them, so here you go.

- Ain't my fault (Zara Larsson)

- 杀手修炼手册 (Ice Paper) This might be a little hard to type for y'all, so just copy and paste.

- E. T (Nightcore ver.)

Alfred really had gone out his way to force the family to have a meal together at one table. The food looks delicious and the smell is just out of this world.

"Oh, I've never loved Alfred so much in my life!" Jason exclaimed as he got a big sniff of the food.

"It gets better every time," Steph said, taking a seat by the table. "And every time Jason will say those exact same words."

"Then the next day he will return back to his emo self." Added Damian, sitting down with his arms crossed.

"Shut up Demon!"

Tim joined his brothers and sisters at the table, they left the main seat open for Alfred since Bruce is not there and they all considered the old butler to be their grandfather. Jason was already losing his patience for the food in front of him and reached out eagerly to grab the nearest one to him when- Slap!

"Ow!" He complained, withdrawing his hand. Alfred stood over him with a wooden spoon in hand and a disapproving look on his face.

"Contain yourself, Master Jason, wait until everyone is seated." He scolded, then walked to take a seat at the table. "Now, young Masters and Misses, you may begin."

Chaos broke loose around the table, food was taken, plates were filled and talking and laughter were heard all around. Alfred smiled at the scene, this is one of the few occasions the family would gather together under one roof, no fighting, no sadness, but just rejoice.

"This is delicious, Alfred!" Steph said through a mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"Miss Stephanie, please do not talk while eating!" Alfred said, cutting his meat with the silver knife and fork.


Dick sat in his seat, poking at the vegetable in front of him. The food was great, but he's just not in the mood of eating right now. In fact, he wasn't in the mood to do anything. His mind was occupied with what happened two nights ago at Manhattan, how his beloved girl ignored him for most of the mission, and how she yelled at him in the end. It didn't make it any better than Zatanna was at the scene too, he really did try to stay away from the magician, but judging from the look Percy had given him...his heart tightened and he put down his fork.

"I-I'm going to bed early," He said and stood up. "Good night..."

The rest of the family froze as they watched the senior former Boy Wonder dragging his steps up the grand staircase and out of sight.

"What is up with Grayson?" Damian asked. "it's not even dark outside yet."

"You don't know?" Steph raised an eyebrow at him. "A certain someone gave him a hard time during the mission two nights ago and he's still...." She couldn't seem to find the right word for it.

"Crushed." Cassandra filled in for her, taking a bite out of her food.

"Right, thanks, Cass."

Alfred frowned up at the staircase, he stood up and went into the kitchen, and came out with a bowl full of Dick's favorite cereal and a cup of milk. "No matter how miserable he feels right now, Master Richard must eat something." He declared and disappeared up the stairs.

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