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Pain was the last thing she felt before blacking out and it was the first thing she felt waking up. Her entire body felt like it was burning up, every breath felt painful.

Opening up her eyes, the bright lights from above almost blinded her, then she slowly adjusted to it and studied her surroundings. She was in a hospital, no surprise there, though how she managed to survive that level of explosion..she decided to categorize that as a mercy from the Fates.

"Percy, you are awake!" Hearing the voice, Percy sprang up towards it and then almost instantly regretted it, wincing and clutching her side.

Broken rib, should have figured.

"Stay down Percy, please don't hurt yourself again..." Someone placed a hand on her shoulder and another on her back and gently pushed her back down on the soft white bed. She looked towards the voice.

Beside her bed was a face she knew too well. "Dick..." Her voice was slightly raspy and her ex's name slipped out so suddenly she didn't even have time to stop it. Then she realized something and her right hand flew to cover her face. "You..."

Dick's blue eyes dimmed a little. "Yeah, I-we figured it out some time ago..."

"Oh..." Percy didn't know how to react to this. She really can't keep anything from her family, they'd figure it out sooner or later. And now that they have, what should she do next?

A moment of awkward silence passed between the two former lovers.

Dick sat back down beside her on the chair. He wanted to say something, Percy could tell that from his body language, after all, she was his partner for a really long time.

"You've got something to say, don't you?" Percy's unexpected voice shocked Dick. "Your hands are fidgeting again..."

Dick looked down at his hand and laughed a little. "It's a habit..."

"You do that all the time when we are little..." She muttered.


"I'm...sorry..." Dick began. "For what happened seven years ago...I-I should have known better..."

"You shot me down when I tried to warn you..."

"And for that, I suffered for seven years..." he answered bitterly. "Bruce was right when he said my easy trust will one day betray me..." He looked sadly at Percy and reached out a hesitant hand to take Percy's cold one in his and grasped it tightly.

"I know I hurt you badly," He said earnestly, "I know my mistrust caused an un-mendable rift between us...but please, forgive me...give me a chance to fix everything...give me a chance to be by your side again..."

Percy was not someone who would tear up easily, she was hardened by battle, she was used to concealing her emotion deep down, but Dick's words just brought her back to the moment of heartbreak. Her sight became blurry and she could feel a lump forming in her throat.

"I-I..." She didn't know what to say. A silent tear slid down her cheek. Dick noticed it and wiped it away for her. His warm touch made her shutter. The young man tilted Percy's head towards him gently, her teary eyes pained him.

"I'm truly sorry for what I did, I should have trusted you, no matter the circumstances...You were always the one who sees this world clearer than I do. Please, just give me a chance to prove myself, I learned from my mistakes, I learned it with a heavy price..."

Percy stared into Dick's eyes, she could tell the boy was truly sorry for what happened seven years ago. Really, the majority of the blame is on Zatanna who used her magic to trick Dick. It was painful, yes, to see her best friend and lover spending so much time with the blue-eyed magician whose intention couldn't have been good from the beginning. Dick's trust in people was endearing most of the time, but sometimes it could put him in serious danger - like what happened seven years ago. Over the years, Percy still kept an eye on the mortal world, she saw her family's progress, how the Boy Wonder had advanced from Robin to Nightwing, his red, yellow, and black color scheme replaced with a pure black suit with a bluebird symbol. The bright smile disappeared from his face and was replaced with a scowl that could only rival Batman's. He became more serious, his skills more advanced. All this for that little act seven years ago, but he doesn't know she had another reason to leave that night.

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