So Similar

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"Hello, my name is Beryl Hale, and welcome to the Oceania Aquarium!" A holographic Percy said with a smile as visitors piled in from the iron gate of the front garden and into the large ocean blue building.

Stephaine Brown, also known as Spoiler, skipped around like a 3-year-old in a candy shop, her eyes wide open with admiration as she inspected everything about the largest aquarium in all of Manhattan and perhaps the US. Her siblings followed behind, not showing as much excitement as she had displayed.

"Calm yourself, Brown," Damian said with a disgusted look. "Before you wet yourself with excitement." Stephaine stopped dead in her tracks and turned to glare at her youngest adoptive brother.

"Be nice, Dami," Tim said, slightly pulling the blonde girl away from the assassin. "We don't want to cause a scene."

"Oh, come on!" Jason Complained. "Why do you always have to ruin the fun, Replacement?"

"I'm just-"

"You're a coward, Drake."

"Don't test me, Midget!"

"Quit it." A calm and deadly voice said, the words were not said out loud but it made the boys shut up immediately and without complaint.

Cassandra Cain, one of the two females Bruce has ever adopted, walked on calmly past the boys and into the Aquarium. Stephaine followed behind her sister and gave the three sons of Wayne a triumphed smirk.

"Has anyone argued back with Cass and win?" Jason wondered, shuffling in with the rest.

"Don't know, don't wanna find out." Tim answers. "I preferred not to have my hands chopped off and my head detached."

"...Good point."

Upon the highest floor of the large blue building, Percy Jackson-Miss Beryl Hale was doing the final preparation of her first-ever public speech. She trudged back and forth in her large apartment, mumbling to herself. Percy was in formal attire today, with a snowy white shirt and black high-waist pencil skirt. Her usual black cat-heels clicked on the marble floor and the sound echoed in the quiet apartment.

A buzz in her dress pocket made her jump slightly in fright before she calmed down and picked up the call.

"This is Beryl Hale," She said into her phone, her eyes still lingering on the papers in her other hand.

"Percy, are you ready yet?" Annabeth asked on the other side of the line as she waited downstairs in the main part of the aquarium where a large section had been set out in the largest display room for the afternoon's public speech.

"Yeah, I am. Just doing some final preparations."

Annabeth sighed. "Percy, you are ready. I know that you are usually that type of person who just says what's on your mind and not thinks about the consequences but the way you prepared this speech had me seriously worried. Public imagery is one thing but this...are you still the same Seaweed Brain I fight alongside with?"

Percy snorted. "Touche. But I'm not just doing it for the public, I'm doing this as a cover too." She sat down on her beautiful white couch and set aside her stack of papers.

"My family is smart. Everything I say today, they will take careful notes on it, I know that my false ID had them very curious and the fact that Persephone Jackson had always wanted to open up an Aquarium someday, and here is a young girl about her age already doing it, I'm guessing, about 50% accuracy that Bruce and the rest are on my tail."

She could feel Wise Girl pinching the bridge of her nose on the other side of the call. "You're being way too cautious."

"Nonsense. I'm just doing my job of keeping up the act of a serious young businesswoman. Persephone Jackson was a carefree girl but not Beryl Hale, if there is one thing that might help confuse the Bats, it's a person's personality."

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