Chapter-12: The Revenge

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Forth POV:

"Hope I didn't make you wait long," I said as I entered the meeting room.

"No no, hope this unexpected visit didn't mess up your schedule," Mr. Vongviphan said, as he offered his hand for a shake.

"Oh no, this was expected," I smirked.


"Why are you confused, sir? Didn't you know this was going to happen one day or the other, we were at a loss doing business with you, right? Isn't that why you are here? " I said as I sat down in front of him.

"I mean yes yes, that is true, but I understand why you would do it, but...I am not here for that," he said. I can see he is nervous, he knows whatever he says I can use it against him, we want to take me on his side, he doesn't know why I am doing this, he doesn't know I initiated this, he thinks some groups of investors did this, so he is trying to get to his side by again bribing the investors to drop the case and I am one of them, let's see how he can bribe to drop it. This is going to be fun.

"Oh, then? Oh btw, do you want something to drink, coffee, tea?" I asked him.

"No no, it's okay, I was here to ask you to pull back from the case," he said, I can see him sweating.

"Oh, the case! Well, I am not invested in it, it's just for me to get my losses you know, I lost a lot by doing business with you in the past year, and I got to know where my money is going, you know we are an honest company we can't have a bad name you know," I told him, he doesn't need to know the real reason anyway.

"Oh, we can make some agreement, can't we? You know we can talk it out...." he said while sliding a paper to me, again he can't say so here he is sliding papers.

I glanced at the paper and said. "Ah. No, that's alright, you know we are honest people, I am a new company. I just grew, you know, I can't have a bad mark under my name. " I said.

"Well, we can talk it out you know," he said .. taking the paper back to him.

"No, if that's what you want to talk about, then I don't have anything to say," I said as I stood up.

"Wait wait, it's for your good, you know, or else something that won't be good," he said, throwing a blank threat at me.

"Are you trying to threaten me?" I said with a smirk. He didn't say anything.

"Well if you are, you should know you are the one who is going down, and the one who needs me, you have nothing that could hurt me."I hissed at him.

"Anyways, if there's nothing to say, you can see yourself out, if you don't I can call my guards to assist you," I said sarcastically and left the room, I have nothing more to say to that filthy man anyways.

I need to discuss everything with Tanawat, Mr.Baramee, and also Beam about the court hearing, we need to win this. This is for Beam, and also all the people who were wronged by him, including Mr. Earth Vongviphan, Beam's Father.

Beam POV:

I can see how much P'Forth is doing for me, I do not know this stuff, if I was still alone without anyone, I would have never thought of this, the only thing I did was ask my father's lawyer, who also is now with my uncle, most probably feel for the money they gave him. So there was no chance for me, so I thought. Now I have P' Forth, Grandma and grandpa, my friends who are all in this who are helping me get back what I deserve and taking away the hospital from the person who uses, it for his own need, not to provide for the people, which it was supposed to be, that's what my father built, to help everyone, he made hospitals in places where there was no access for health care, he made free healthcare in his hospital for people who can't afford, he made the most comfortable place for everyone, it was his motto, I can't let my uncle ruin his image.

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