Chapter-1: The Change

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Beam was not sure what happened to his life. His life crumbled down in a snap. No one expected this to happen. Beam, was a medical student, had a good and happy family, was living his life to the fullest, but one day everything changed, he had no one and he was left on the street to suffer.


Beam was sitting in his room and after getting fresh, and was ordering food for himself when he got a call from his relative (who are not nice as they don't like his mother, and they think that his mother took his father away from the family) ''hello, what do you want" beam said. "well kid did you not see the news or something, come fast if you even want to see you father and that witch for the last time" the aunt said like she was spitting venom, well she didn't like beam either, they only want Beam's father's money and fame and nothing else "don't call my mother like that, and what are you talking about??" Beam asked her as he got worried. What happened to his father. "just check the news and come" they said and hung up.

Beam checked the news and that's when his life changed for the worse, his parents were going to visit him but the flight they got in crashed and now both of them are no more. Beam broke down as he lost his dear family.


That was 3 months back, well all the property and everything his father and mother owned was taken by his father's relatives and they left him with nothing, he couldn't even fight because they were powerful people and could do anything for money. he dropped out of college he didn't have money to pay for his upcoming semesters. His friends tried to offer help with the education, but he didn't want to take any of that, he didn't want to owe anyone money and live on his strength, that's what his father taught him. For the first few days after he dropped out of college he lived with his friends until he got an apartment he could afford, he worked multiple part-time jobs and with that, he rented a studio apartment. He was grateful for his friends as they never left his side and helped him as much as he could. he was happy that at least he had 2 people he could trust with his life.

Beam was working at his construction part-time job, on a sunny day, he was sweating from all the labor he did today, he was not built to do this much physical labor, but he needed money, it was just a contract job that will end in 2 days, after that he needs to find another job, he didn't know what to do, he has been juggling between jobs for a while, he did some tutoring in the weekends, worked a cafe in the mornings and this construction contract in the evening. But after this just tutoring and working at a cafe won't be enough to pay rent and for food. Beam was tired of his life but he didn't quit, he knew his mother and father would be disappointed if he gave up without a fight, he needed to fight for his rights.

After the job, he went back to his apartment to freshen up and lay down on his bed, he had his medical books on the side table, he still studies them, and Phana would come and tutor him some times, he doesn't want to give up on his dreams of being a neurosurgeon but he was losing hope.

"Mumma papa what am I supposed to do, I don't know what to do, I am tired of this" Beam said as tears ran down his face. He was tired of the life he was living.

2 days later :

It was his final day at the construction job, he couldn't find any other jobs that could pay him at least as much as this current job does. After work, he got his paycheck and he left the place to find a new job. He walked around from shops to shops, asking if they wanted a part-timer, but it was all in vain.

He went home after buying some instant noodles as he knew he had to decrease his food expenses if he had to pay for the rent. When he reached his apartment his friends were waiting for him outside his room.

Unexpected Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें