Chapter-3: The Talk

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Beam POV:

It's my first day at work. I am excited but also very nervous. I don't know if Aria will like me or not. I don't know if we'll get along or not. Hopefully, we will get along, because I don't want to lose this job! It pays a lot! And I resigned from the job at the cafe. If I lose this job it's going to be hard to find another job.

I left early because I didn't want to be late on my first day.

After I reached the mansion, I saw Forth coming down from upstairs.

"Good morning," I said.

" Good morning, I am leaving now. The room from the corridor, the second room is Aria's room. She is sleeping right now. She wakes up at 9. And hope you know what all to do. There is nothing she is allergic to, so you don't have to worry about that. Her solution is in the fridge. Get yourself comfortable, if you need anything. help yourself." he instructed me.

"Okay sir, I will take care of her," I said.

"I am leaving then," he said and left.

Okay. Let's meet Aria. I went to the room to meet her. She was sleeping peacefully, she had few features of her father. Where is her mother though?

After a while, Aria woke up and bathed her, and dressed up in a cute dress. Fed her. She is such a cute girl. She is a calm and obedient girl.

We played a bit. We played some development games like stacking and shape matching. She is so young but so smart. We spend time and I feed her more afterward. She is such a cute bean. And I spend more time with her the rest of the day. By evening her father came back from the office.

"She is a very good girl, I fed her and tucked her in. Now she is asleep. " I told him.

"Okay, you can leave for today, see you tomorrow." We said our greetings and I left the mansion. It's 9 pm now.

I walked to the bus stop to wait. I don't know when the bus is going to come. Hopefully, I don't have to wait for long.

After 15 min I saw a car pull up in front of the stop. The window rolled down and I saw Forth in the driving seat.

"Are you waiting for the bus? I don't think there is any bus at this time," he said.

"Oh. I didn't know." I said to him as I stood up. I didn't know what to do. Should I walk?

"I will drop you off. Get in" he said.

"No no that's alright. I - I will manage." I said to him as I declined his offer.

"How are you planning to go then? Walking?" he asked me, looking at me skeptically.

"I- don't know" I looked down as my face heated up.

"Get in okay? I will drop you off," he said.

"Thank you, sir," I said to him as I got into his car.

We sat in comfortable silence after I told him the way to my apartment.

Forth POV:

What was this boy going to do? was he going to walk home or sit at the bus stop?

Thankfully I found him before he froze.

We drove comfortably in the direction he told me to.

After a while, we reached the place where he lives. It was a poor run-down apartment. The building looks very old and not in very good condition.

I am worried about his safety!

"Um. Thank you sir for dropping me off... I will leave now. I- do you want to come up for a cup of tea?" he asked me. He looked nervous, he was looking down at his hand while speaking.

"Sure," I said as I parked my car by the road and got out.

I want to see his living condition. I don't want him to stay in this unsafe environment.

Why is he living in this condition?

We climbed the staircase and stopped at the 3rd floor and he opened the second door.

" Please come in, I know it's not that good, but I try my best to maintain it," he said.

We enter the room it's pretty clean and well maintained. I sit on the chair of the study table.

"I will get you some water." He said as he went to the kitchen corner. It's just one room with a small kitsch extension and an attached bathroom.

I looked around the room and I saw neatly stacked medical books on the table. He is a medical student? Why is he not going to college?

"Here," he said as he gave me the water. "Thank you," I said as he sat on the bed.

"Are you studying to be a doctor?" I asked him. I was curious. I couldn't help but ask.

"Well... I was" he said with a small smile.

"What do you mean?" I had to ask. I was curious.

"I dropped out," he said as he looked up.

"Oh." I wanted to ask more. But I don't know if I should. So I stayed silent. After a while, he made tea for me and himself.

"You can ask me, you know. I know you are curious," he said, sipping his tea.

Well, it looks like he read my mind.

"Why did you drop out?" I asked.

"Well I don't have money to pay for the tuition," he said.

"What about your family?" I asked carefully, trying to not offend him.

"They passed away," he said calmly.

"Oh I am sorry, I shouldn't have asked," I said as I looked at him with guilt.

I shouldn't have asked, it's too personal to ask.

"No it's alright," Beam said. He is so calm while talking I don't know how much pain he is holding in. I didn't know this was happening in his life when he walked into my place.

"If there is anything you need, don't be afraid to ask," I said to him as I stood up to leave. It's late already.

"Thank you. You are very generous already. Thank you for dropping me off. And thank you for giving me the job" he greeted me as I went to the door.

"It's alright, you can ask for help anytime.", I said and we said our goodnight greetings and I left.

I sat in my car for a while and thought about the conversation. I didn't know what else he was going through. And for some reason, I wanted to help him out, wanted to hear him out, and comfort him.

What is this feeling?


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