Chapter-7: The College

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Beam POV:

"I- you, didn't I tell you the reason why I DON'T go to college?" I asked him. Is he being serious? Or is he stupid?

"I am saying I will pay," what did he say? Huh?

"Huh? Why?" I asked him, what is he saying? Why would he pay me? All the nervousness that I had before flew out of the window, now I am just confused.

"I want you to study, I don't want you to lose your years of education, earning money, I will help you with that. Now, what is that you don't understand? "

He asked me. He looked at me dead serious, he can't be serious, who will take care of Aria?

"Who will take care of aria?" I asked him.

He looked at me as if saying are you serious? To me. Well, I am serious.

He sighed and said, "we can always hire another babysitter beam, you are working here because you need to pay for your food and living, and to save for your college. I will take care of everything. If you don't have a problem you can move in with us, and when you start college you can live in the dorm room, and when it's the holiday you can come back home, to us. Me and aria. We can be your roommates. So what do you say?" I am speechless, he is telling me that he will pay for everything? Why? Why is he helping me?

"Really?" I said. I didn't know what else to say. I was losing my hope of going back to college. Even if P'forth me a lot that doesn't add up much for the college, the fees are very high. I can go back to college?

"Yes, I mean it," he said.

"But, why? I don't have anything to give you back.." I looked down at my hands, I couldn't look up at him. If I start going to college I won't even work for him, then it would be like him paying me for free. I don't want that.

"I know what you are thinking, you don't have to repay me, but if you want you can give me free treatment in the future you know after you become a nice doctor," he smirked.

I smiled at what he said, did he mean it? I can go back to college now?

"I don't know what to say.. thank you thank you" my eyes started filling with tears.

"You don't have to say anything, I will help you with anything you want okay," he said.

Forth POV:

After I said that, Beam suddenly hugged me tightly, and whispered thank you again and again. I could feel my shirt getting wet, I patted his back and hugged him back to comfort him, but I know these tears are of happiness. All I want is to make Beam happy, and not suffer anymore.

I will take away all your pain beam, I do anything and everything to keep you happy.

"Okay, so it settled. I hope you studied in your free time because I think you should directly write this sem exam then you go back to your regular class, you don't have to lose a year if you can do that," I told him.

"Yes yes, I can give the exam, I can ask Pha to give a class too, my friends can give me their past mock test paper too so that I can practice." Beam said as he sat back down on his chair, after leaving my hug and wiping his tears.

"Okay, do you need any study material that needs to be brought?" I asked him.

"No, for now, I can ask Pha to lend me his, and we can buy for next sem... and... um .. sorry for messing up your shirt," he said as he blushed while looking at my shirt. I looked down to look at my shirt only to see a wet patch of tears there.

"Beam, don't worry about it, okay." I give him a warm smile.

"Okay. I will go wake up Aria, it's her time to wake up." Beam said while standing up hurriedly and dashed to Aria's room, but I saw a prominent blush on his face before he left to wake up Aria.

Beam POV:

Oh my god, what is happening to me.

I am so happy, I can finally go back to college, I should call Kit and Pha and tell them the good news. I am so excited.

I woke Aria up, bathed her, and got her fresh up, she is such a happy and cheerful child, she can make anyone's day happy, for some parts I am a bit sad that I won't get to see Aria every day like last few months, she will have new Babysitter taking care of her. To make for that, I spend some time with her playing with her more, today as P'Forth is also here, I made him sit with us and play with his child, it's fun to watch how awkward he is around baby, but I can see how much he cares about her, I can see in his eyes that she is his world.

We spent the rest of the evening together and later I left the mansion to go meet my friend and give them the good news.


New update!

Beam is going back to college! Who all are excited.

Seems like Beam's life is slowly coming together.

Hope you enjoyed the update, do comment with your opinion and vote if you are liking the story so far!

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