Chapter 17 - Breakdown

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The broadcast was interrupted, before starting after about half a minute later again. The studio looked chaotic. Snow took the initiative: "Apparently the rebels try to stop the dissemination of burdensome information. But in the end, truth and justice will always win. When the security is rebuild, we will continue the broadcast." 

Ironic. If his words were right, the revolution would be successful. 

"Would you like to tell Katniss Everdeen anything?", he addressed Peeta. 

Said person grimaced, probably trying to process all the information he had gotten since his captivity. "Katniss ... where do you think all of this will lead us? What will be left? Everyone is in danger. At the Capitol and in the districts. And you ... in district 13 ... dead before dawn." 

I heard Snow order to turn the broadcast off. Had Peeta just warned us? I did not even want to consider what they would do to him now. 

Beetee seemed to try to spread chaos by inserting a picture of Katniss in district 8. But in between the displays we saw how Peeta was pulled from his chair. The camera angle changed to the floor. The floor that was now tainted in blood, after a scream of pain from Peeta. The selfless boy, who had warned us despite the upcoming punishment. 

Chaos erupted in our conference room. "Quiet!", Haymitch yelled. "It's not like it's a great mystery! The boy tells us that the Capitol plans to attack us. Here, in district 13." 

Suspicious voices resounded. 

"How should he know that?" 

"Why should we trust him?" 

"How do you know that?"

Haymitch growled annoyed. "While we are chatting, they beat him down. What else do you want? Katniss, help me out!"

She snapped out of her distressed state. "Haymitch is right. I don't know where Peeta has the information from. Or if what he says is right. But he definitely believes it and they ..." 

"They punish him for what he said. That just means that Peeta spoiled important information. Otherwise they wouldn't have freaked out", I resonated. 

Haymitch appeared to be grateful for my support. "You don't know him. We do. Gather your people", Haymitch addressed Coin. 

The latter did not seem shocked but rather irritated at the sudden twist of the situation. She told us about the preparations district 13 had for such a case. But that an attack from the Capitol had appeared ridiculous as they would just harm themselves, radiating the atmosphere and risking a counterstroke. 

"Possible that they are willing to risk all of that now that we officially joined the rebellion", she finished. 

"You think so?", Haymitch replied sarcastically. 

Though Coin did not seem to understand sarcasm. "Yes. Either way an air raid drill of level five is overdue. Let's initiate the lockdown", Coin continued. 

Soon later I was even deeper underground than before as everything around us was shaking. 

I had left the place, where my family was settled. I would only scare my siblings more as I was freaking out on the inside. The shaking reminded me of the earthquake during my first games. 

Now I let Finnick hold me. Apparently he had spotted me in the corner despite the darkness. Had he suggested my state? Anyway he was an incredible friend. He whispered soothing words, assuring me that he would not leave my side. After a while I calmed down, at least mostly. 

"Thanks, Finnick." 

We moved to his bed and sat down on it as I did not want to return to my family. I loved them but being with Finnick felt better right now. I did not have to explain myself. He just understood.

Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora