˚The Bishop˚The 2nd Egg˚

Start from the beginning

"Good evening ladies! Care for a drink?" He handed you both a glass of champagne, "I don't believe I've met you before, I'm Sotto Voce," You thanked him as you took the from his hands,

"Oh, my apologies, I'm Y/n, Its a beautiful place you have sir." You turn professional real quick when he starts up a conversation,  

"Oh please, nothing in here comes close to your beauty, Miss Y/n." He took your hand and kissed it whilst holding eye contact, you cringed but none the less pushed forward. You began to drink the champagne. As he struck up conversation with the mystery woman you had just danced with, you excused yourself. But you pulled it off by being a ditzy basic girl you are, you tripped and picked his phone off his pocket. 

"Oh I'm so sorry Sir! How clumsy of me," You stated, after another quick exchange you excused yourself to go meet up with the boys. 

~Time skip brought to you by: The girl who couldn't care less about an event happening for the first time in 2 millennia, but instead decides to fan girl over Ed Sheeran. Like ffs lady, ya dumb?~

"Looking for something specific? or, just browsing?" Her voice rang out again, there she was, standing in all her beautiful glory. You were quite confused, but the boys seemed annoyed. Looking back and forth at John, to Nolan, to Her, you were so out of the loop.

"What's she doing here?" You asked John, having to look up quite a lot with your height difference, him being 6'5, and you being 5'1. He was quite taller, so was basically everyone in your world. 

"You look awful," Nolan stated, you hit him in the gut,

"Don't be rude, Who is she?" You scowled at him before looking at her, meeting her eyes, a smirk lingering on her lips. "Ohhhhhh shit." You spoke, eyes widening as realization struck.

"She's the bishop Y/n," John spoke, laughing a bit at your look of shock,

"No shit, Dipdick." You spoke glaring at him, "You think one of you could have told before, you know, I DANCED WITH HER!" You raised your voice at the two, they both were a tad startled as you had never spoken that loud before. 

"You did WHAT?!" Nolan asked, now completely not caring about the egg, just the drama.

"Anyways! Now that I have two out of the three eggs, I'll give you one last chance, Y/n, to take me up on my offer. Work with me, not these idiots." The bishop spoke, interrupting the current conversation. Her eyes were on, staring through your soul, you started to get nervous and look anywhere but here,

"Heres my counter-offer," John spoke for you, "You're under arrest,"

"Oh my god," Nolan started, "Read the room, you're so embarrassing, he's so embarrassing," he laughed before turning to the bishop again.

"tell you what agent Hartley, You wanna arrest me?" She kicked off her heels, "Come..." She reached up to grab her hair pin, letting her hair fall just below her shoulders, "Arrest me." 

As soon as she said that the two started to walk towards her,

"I just want the egg, so..." Nolan said, already trying to walk around her, but she punched him in the throat, stopping him for a moment. John then started to fight her while nolan recovered. The fighting continued, while she was momentarily distracted and they started having a face off, you slowly backed away and to the side of the room.

You tried to sneak past her and around, only to have Nolan be thrown through a glass case and in-front of you, successfully stopping you. The Bishop started to slowly walk towards you, her spear in hand. Leaving you to quickly hop over and behind Nolan as  he got up, grabbing a weapon off the wall to defend himself.

The fighting continued till she was standing with her back toward the egg, and the boys talking about the handcuffs on the ground. You had grabbed the Egg and started to back up, when suddenly Sotto and his men entered the room. 

"Woah Woah Woah, Don't shoot, alright?" Nolan stated as him and John sat up, The Bishop at this point turned around to grab the egg, only to find it not there, and you nowhere in site. Well, almost nowhere in site. She chuckled when she saw some of your green dress sticking out from behind the bottom of one of the display cases. The piece of fabric was shaking from how terrified you were.

Nolan kept rambling on, until sotto had his men knock them unconscious. "Wheres the egg, my lady?" Sotto had asked Bishop.

"A little flower dressed in green took it, don't worry, she didn't go far" She spoke, not taking her eyes off the piece of fabric she could see.  

The next thing you know she's crouched down in-front of you about three feet, a pistol in her hand and smirk on her face. You jumped a little bit, clutching the egg a bit tighter as you watched her closely.

"C'mon my flower, up we go," She slowly stood up, motioning for you to follow her movement. She reached her hand out before speaking again, "Hand it over," Her voice flowed over you calmly, coaxing you forward, reaching your hand out. She soon slowly grabbed the egg and handed it to Sotto. She then reached her hand out again, take your hand in hers, as she then led you away, the two unconscious men long forgotten as you were both terrified and excited. 

"Where are we going?" You asked the Bishop,

"Why to find the third egg of course," She stated, smiling big, as she lifted you up bridal style, and carried you to her car while Sotto's men put the egg in the back.


The end, pt 2? ugh I love Gal so much 

Ik its been a hot minute my b

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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