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AN: I don't know about you but I thought that this piece of cringe ended up being crafted very nicely! I'm honestly surprised by how much attention this has brought in! I was a little hesitant about writing this because I didn't even come up with the idea until a WEEK before Halloween, but I'm glad I posted it anyway!

I was debating if I should put any Limentio or Dimigi in here but then realized that I would probably end up writing Limentio or Dimigi no matter what. THEN I realized that the way I had Luigi/Mr.L's character, it would end up being both a Limentio AND Dimigi, so I THINK that it didn't end up botched because of that, I can only hope that you all enjoyed this.

The music cover above is by me, I hope you enjoy. Well, now I gotta go start on my Christmas story! See you all in another book! Ciao~! :D

In The Dark of Night (Monster SPM AU!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora