Darkness Awakened

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"RUN!" Mario shouted.

Bowser, Mario, Peach, and Luigi all took off running back where they came as quickly as possible. Count Bleck snapped his fingers and the three other monsters charged the heroes, their reflexes fast.

"The door! If we make it out the door I can use the pipe to teleport us!" Mario exclaimed.

The four of them all turned a corner, running back down the hallway they came. The three monsters quickly caught up to them. The shapeshifter lunged at Peach but she quickly dodged. Peach threw down a vial of holy water that she was holding, effectively warding off the half-vampire and shapeshifter.

The zombie quickly charged forward and rammed into Bowser, unaffected by the water, knocking him forward. Bowser went flying forward and crashed against Luigi with a loud THUNK. Mario quickly ran up and kicked the zombie back towards the other two monsters, retreating after he did.

Bowser and Luigi lay on the ground and as Bowser tried to stand up, the wooden floor began to crack. Mario and Peach froze just before the exit as the ground began to break below Luigi and Bowser.

"Bowser, Luigi, be VERY careful..." Peach told them.

Both Luigi and Bowser warily stood up and started towards the exit. Bowser took one step and the ground cracked more.

"It's going to take ages to get to the exit!" Luigi exclaimed.

Bowser and Luigi jumped at the sound of crashing down the hall.

"That water isn't gonna hold them off forever! Run for it!" Bowser shouted.

"Bowser, WAIT!" Luigi exclaimed.

Bowser lept up and the ground immediately fell out below him. The wooden floor opened up and Luigi fell through.

"LUIGI!!!" Mario yelled.

Luigi screamed as he fell only to hit the ground at the bottom, wincing as he heard a bone crack. Mario peered over the edge of the hole.

"LUIGI?!" Mario asked.

"I'm fine! Mostly... I-I'll find a way up! You three run!" Luigi called up.

Mario hesitated.

"GO! I have supplies to fend for myself!" Luigi yelled.

"We have to go, Mario!" Peach exclaimed.

Mario held back tears as he turned towards the exit, sprinting out.

"Don't let them get away!" The half-vampire spat.

Mario, Bowser, and Peach all ran out and Mario whipped out the Return Pipe. The man in red activated the pipe and teleported away with Peach and Bowser. The three monsters came to a halt before the opened doors.

"Dang it! Those guys got away!" The shapeshifter whined.

"So it appears."

All three of the monsters flinched and spun around to see Count Bleck standing there, a serious expression on his face.

"We're sorry, count, we should've done better, yeah." The half-vampire apologized.

"No need. We shall search the old castle. Cut through the forest, Count Bleck says, assuming it's still there." Count Bleck stated, "The Dark Prognosticus shall have the solution to ALL of this..."

With a swish of his cape, Count Bleck transformed into a bat and flew off into the night. The other three quickly followed behind him, running out into the abandoned wreckage of a village.


Luigi held his breath as he waited for the noises above to go away, hoping that the monsters forgot about him. After a few minutes, the church went dead silent. Luigi let out a long sigh of relief as he sat on the ground.

In The Dark of Night (Monster SPM AU!)Where stories live. Discover now