A Brighter Tomorrow

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Merlon hummed as he walked into his office for the day. He sat down at his desk and picked up a book, beginning to read. After several minutes, he perked up at the sound of knocking at his door. Merlon set down his book and looked towards the door.

"Come in!" Merlon called out.

The door creaked open and Timpani poked her head in with a smile.

"Oh, Tippi! What brings you here this early?" Merlon questioned.

"Hello, Merlon! I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Timpani asked while stepping inside.

Merlon shook his head as Timpani closed the door behind herself.

"Of course not!" Merlon replied, "How may I help you? I haven't seen you for a while until just last... What are you doing?"

Timpani turned her head and paused. She was currently on top of a chair and reaching to the top of the doorframe.

"Well... You have a crucifix propped up here, right?" Timpani questioned.

"Yes... So what are you..?" Merlon trailed off.

"I was wondering... If I could make an appointment with you about a pressing concern." Timpani asked as she felt around for the cross on top of the doorway.

"Of course, Tippi. What might this meeting be about?" Merlon questioned, eyeing her as she tottered on the chair.

"Oh, it's not a meeting for me. It's a meeting between you, me, my soon-to-be husband, and a few others." Timpani said with a giggle.

Merlon went wide-eyed.

"You're engaged? Well, I extend my congratulations to you both!" Merlon replied, "Mind me asking who they are?"

"Well, you can meet him right now if you agree to do the meeting so soon!" Timpani cheered.

"Very well, send all of these people in. I'm sure we can address whatever problem you have." Merlon stated.

"Excellent!" Timpani exclaimed with a smile.

Timpani snatched the crucifix off of the doorway and hopped back down, placing it out of the way.

"There we go!" Timpani said, "Blumi! You and the others may come in now!"

The door opened again and Blumiere stepped inside, followed by Mario, Nastasia, Luigi, and Dimentio, who Luigi had to help keep standing.

"Where's O'Chunks and Mimi?" Timpani questioned.

"O'Chunks couldn't fit through the doorway, yeah," Nastasia replied, "So Mimi stayed with him."

Merlon went wide-eyed as he pointed at Blumiere.

"Tippi?! Is that the COUNT?! The vampire that was locked up in the church?!" Merlon exclaimed.

"Yes, this is Lord Blumiere, my soon-to-be husband," Timpani stated, "And my full name is Lady Timpani."

Merlon arched an eyebrow in confusion as he stared at her blankly, unable to process.

"Before you pass out or something I want to present you with our proposal," Timpani said, "We want these monsters to be able to live here at Flipside. Also, I would like to be able to get a marriage certificate for myself and Blumiere, because your current law does not say anything about a human marrying a vampire."

"What?! E-excuse me, but why did you bring MONSTERS here?! Have you lost your MIND, Tippi?!" Merlon exclaimed.

Timpani sighed while Mario chuckled.

In The Dark of Night (Monster SPM AU!)Where stories live. Discover now