Familiar Friends, Familiar Foes

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Blumiere stood breathing heavily as he limped forward, climbing the steps up to the pedestal that held the Dark Prognosticus. His body was covered in injuries, on his face was a large scar that marked what was once his left eye, he held his other gloved hand to his side as he trudged onward. However, his father was in worse condition, bruises and cuts riddling his body as he remained on the ground, too weak to even get up. Several other monsters were lying motionless on the ground, all of them tried and failed to stop Blumiere from reaching the book but were not yet dead.

"Blumiere, my son, don't! Even your ancestors could not handle that... If you open it... there's no telling what might happen!" Blumiere's father cried.

"I do not care, Father! A world without her is empty. An AFTERLIFE without her is empty!" Blumiere retorted.

He reached for the book and opened it, his hands outstretched to the sky.

"Speak, Dark Prognosticus! Teach your dark history! I await your command!" Blumiere exclaimed.

A blinding light engulfed everyone in the room and Blumiere collapsed onto the floor. He slowly stood up, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"BLEH HEH HEH! BLECK!" He laughed.

His father watched in horror as his son laughed like a madman.

"Blumiere... What have you done?" Blumiere's father said in an almost whisper.

Blumiere snapped around and snarled at his father, his remaining eye now a glowing red.

"Silence! The first prophecy beckons. I will kill every creature... of this blasted world!" Blumiere spat.

Blumiere began to laugh again as he looked down at his father, now only seeing him as prey. Blumiere's father struggled to scramble backward as Blumiere dropped the Dark Prognosticus and started toward him slowly as if stalking his first victim.

"Blu-Blumiere! Don't do this! Blumiere!" His father stammered.

Blumiere laughed again and lunged down at the doomed vampire, grabbing him with a vice grip by the throat and lifting him into the air.

"Blumiere is no more! I am Count Bleck! And no one shall stand in my way!" He exclaimed.

He flashed him a fang-filled grin and then ripped into his neck.


The moon slowly began to dip towards the horizon as Nastasia and Count Bleck flew through the old graveyard. They both looked down at all of the tombstones dotting the ground as they went, searching for a familiar landmark.

"There it is, Nastasia," Count Bleck stated.

The two of them swooped down to the ground and transformed back so they were now standing in front of a large gate.

"So... Do you really want to go in there, count?" Nastasia asked.

"This place holds no value to Count Bleck." Count Bleck stated, "Let us go."

Count Bleck reached out and opened the double doors, then stepped into Castle Bleck, Nastasia following close behind him. The second they stepped inside, black torches lit the equally black hallways. The whole place hadn't been tended to in centuries, making everything appear decayed.

Nastasia and the count walked down the first hall, kicking up dust as they went. Nastasia sneezed and quickly covered her nose.

"Yeah, this place has definitely not been visited..." Nastasia muttered, "There's dust everywhere."

In The Dark of Night (Monster SPM AU!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt