Sneaky Shifting

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Back at the cave with the Bleck team members, Dimentio had fallen asleep leaning against a wall, deciding to himself that if Luigi was going to run off and he was going to get killed, he might as well sleep one more time. Eventually, the sun began going down and they all began to stir.

Nastasia was once again the first awake while the rest slowly came to. Dimentio yawned and awoke with a stretch only to open his eyes and see Count Bleck standing across from him.

"Hm? Oh, are you going to kill me?" Dimentio questioned.

"What? No. Count Bleck was waiting for you to wake up, you were the last still asleep." Count Bleck stated, "You need not always be so morbid, Dimentio. It's early, Count Bleck is still tired."

Count Bleck trudged away with a sigh and Dimentio cast a glance to the mouth of the cave to see Mr.L leaning against the wall and staring up at the sky. Dimentio growled as he stood up, marching over to Mr.L.

"Why didn't you run?!" Dimentio exclaimed.

Mr.L jumped a little and turned to face Dimentio.

"Oh, hey Dim." Mr.L said.

"Don't avoid the question!" Dimentio spat.

"I dunno, why would I know what Mr.Greeny chooses to do?" Mr.L retorted.

Dimentio scoffed and shook his head.

"You could've gotten away, why didn't you?! By the simple act of leaving, you could've ensured that the hunter would have no reason to hesitate to kill us and the count would've ended me!" Dimentio hissed.

"You make it sound like that would be preferable to you!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"It's not! But it would be to you! Why would you want to put anyone else's interest before your own!?" Dimentio questioned.

"Because that's called EMPATHY? And I didn't make the choice, my lesser half did!" Mr.L spat.

"It's not EMPATHY, it's called lacking a survival instinct!" Dimentio retorted, "If I had 'empathy' I would've been killed a long time ago!"

Mr.L scowled back at Dimentio.

"What's your problem!? It's not like I've done anything to you!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"But I have done things to YOU! You should hate me!" Dimentio spat.

"But I DON'T! Why should I?! You didn't do anything terrible or wrong!" Mr.L stated.

Dimentio arched an eyebrow and pointed at his neck. Mr.L looked down at his own and sighed.

"Oh come on, really? It felt just about as bad as getting a shot, and you obviously didn't kill me. PLUS you healed my ankle." Mr.L pointed out.

Dimentio scoffed and shook his head, crossing his arms as he turned away.

"Oh yeah? Well..." Dimentio trailed off, "I-I had kidnaped you! So HA!"

Mr.L chuckled as he arched an eyebrow at Dimentio.

"Really, Dim? If you didn't kidnap Luigi, I would've probably never seen another full moon." Mr.L stated, "Face it, you're just making up excuses to make up for the fact we're supposed to be natural enemies."

Dimentio growled in response, not wanting to give a proper excuse. Mr.L sighed and glanced over at Count Bleck and Nastasia as they both started past them and out into the moonlight.

"Hey, where's Ms.GreenGoblin?" Mr.L questioned.

"I sent Mimi to the hunter's site, yeah. She's going to take care of them hopefully, 'K?" Nastasia said.

In The Dark of Night (Monster SPM AU!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें