Chapter twenty-two: The door to another world

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The Eye was called this because when it was open the vortex inside looked like an iridescent iris and the center like a pupil. It could have been called the window or simply the portal, but the Eye had a feeling of mystics. So the name was chosen and it stuck really well. This portal was one way, once you went through it you had to find another to return home go deeper into the realms around. It led to a land far different than those featured in legends or epics, as a matter of fact it was a forgotten, very old, realm. It was old even by realm standards, dating back before the creation of most of those that now exist and because of that it was a land with only one entryway but many exits. Those exits would lead you to any of the realms, to enter it by choice you had to go through the Eye, but those that were not so lucky would fall onto those lands, stranded during the journey from one world to another.

The Eye is the most stable of portal that exists throughout the twelve realms, the path direct from unknown land to forgotten lands. It is strange that the Eye can secure a road there as the main idea of this realm is that it is forgotten by all and even by the gods, still some creatures seem to never forget it or what it is and Glaherd was one of them. The portal is a construct but the person that edified it was alive and well and yet knew how to permit passage.

Jory felt Qa tense up next to him, he knew as well as the other that nothing could prepare them to what was next, he tightened his grasp around the callused fingers of the swordsman and did the same with gloved hand of the drow. She doubted her capacities at this instant but Jory's hand reminded her that she was not alone against this new danger. She looked down on the halfling and feeling her eyes on his scalp he turned his head to smile at her. She turned away but a small smile had found it's way to her lips. She can ditch these people as soon as it is needed but for the moment she thinks she is going to keep them close. Eleon feels heavy, his consciousness is very aware of everything he is made of, everything he is wearing and of the larger hand holding his.

The vortex swallows them and they loose awareness of their body. All at once, they feel their beings being boiled down to only energy and even if they cannot know if they are still holding each other hands they can feel the flow of energies stranger to theirs right next to where they are. It feels like being tossed around in a closed box during a storm, a feeling that Jory, Eleon and Qa are painfully familiar with, but Vix has already traveled through ley lines in her life, not only to get to the island. Although she never left her realm per se she did travel it by these magical speedways many times already but unfortunately it's a feeling you never grow used to.

They suffered the magical storm for what felt like ages. It was enough to make anyone forget their sense and mind. Although they were distressed by it none could deny the beauty of the ley lines. Jory did not know what effect such travel would have on his magic but at this instant he truly was the one taking the most space between the four of them. The chaos had become an extension of his body, something that most people can't detect but when reduced to the purest form of his self it was undeniable that the chaos and him were one close knitted thing.

The flow of energy were blindingly bright and colourful, but none of had eyes per se so it was safe to assume that they wouldn't keep any long lasting effects of this explosion of magic.

Suddenly they felt like they had hit a wall at high speed. They stopped completely in their track, it was a violent stop but once again, no body no injuries. The energy seemed to swell and fold. All the lines stopped being lines they mixed and shifted, they gained shapes and sizes in the mean time the four adventurers felt their essence melt and fill a certain shape, they gained mass and the rough look of a body. the once again gained speed, increddible speed. It was like they were falling through space and matter without anything holding them back. Jory was not ashamed to admit that he screamed or at least assumed he did.

The more they fell the faster it seemed to become again and the more things were gaining shapes, Eleon's hair were not fully formed yet so they extended behind him in golden flares, Vix seemed shrouded in the brightest white light ever seen in this realm and it made her look radiant.

With a loud boom a door opened in the fabric of reality. A flower looking hole blooming in flares of colors and light a sight seldom seen on the other side of it and out of it came four people still dressed in flowing radiant lights. They didn't get the chance of a grand entry because they all fell unconscious onto the dusty and filthy ground.

The wind dragged more dust in it's wake and covered the four adventurers. The door closed in an equally loud boom and then the silence finished to blanket everything in an eery stillness. Not a single grain of dust moved around even the wind had stopped. The area in which they had fallen was a desert of brownish dust. A wasteland of nothing but rusted dust. Even the air seemed filled of it, the rising sun struggled to pierce the thick miasma and make itself known. But the world stay resolutely silent.

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