Chapter Twenty-one: A gifted key

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The dragon had assumed a new position, more relaxed and perhaps more comfortable, on the ground in front of them. It was looking at the four adventurers with it's glowing blue eyes, and even if it was a machine none of them could shake the feeling off that this dragon was intelligent and wise and that it was no less alive than them.

"The name I was given is Glaherd the clockwork dragon, I was tasked to protect this island from any malevolent spirit and people with ill intentions. The most important part of this mission was to determine if those who seek to travel through the Eye are worthy or not of passage. This was a test a test you passed."

"Do you mean that we are now allowed to use the portal, the Eye?" asked Jory with wonder

"You are right, but before I let you pass I must make sure that you are ready for the travel and for what lies beyond." The dragon was smiling, no one knew how they could tell but it was "You may ask me questions, rest or even decide that you do not want to make that journey and I shall send you home"

"We will gladly take a little time to heal, I am in worse conditions than most of my allies" Jory sat against a big stone and called forward his powers. Vix still stood ready to fight her mind unable to accept the fact that this former enemy was now actively trying to help them. Qa help Eleon set up their camp and they made food. The dragon watched over them and when the night fell it's circuits could be seen in the dark. Flowing blue light giving everything the same reflect of light that water gives. 

Jory fell asleep without even noticing it, the magic he had called on not yet dispelled in the ether. He realized he was sleeping though because he opened his eyes only to find himself back on the island. The same giant waterfall surrounding him, drowning the noises of the real world and strangely making everything silent. Some things had changed, little details he did not notices at first. Next to him two object lied, one was a silver pendant with sapphire set in the metal forming an intricate pattern resembling an eye amidst waves, the other was a golden fang on a leather string.

"Wake up Jory, diner's ready" said Eleon while softly shaking him, the halfling awoke slowly and went with the elf

Under the moonless sky, a sky filled by thick storm clouds, four adventurers and a mechanical dragon shared a meal and stories, and before the morning came those four little creature went to sleep under the cautious eye of the eons old guardian. A safe night, calm and without dreams. 

Vix was the first to wake up and for a second she believed she was back in the underground city. She knew it was morning already yet the day was extremely dark, the clouds looked awfully close on this peak, she could feel the thunder rolling high up in the atmosphere. Her hair reacted to the electricity in the air and she knew that this jet black roof was about to unleash hell.

"No need to worry yet, we still have a couple of hours before the storm breaks, let them sleep for a bit more" said the low voice of the dragon as she was about to wake Qa

"Can you be sure of that?"

"I know my way around weather love" he got up and went to the portal seemingly waiting for her to come, she did so "Here, we wont wake them up by accident here. Is there something you want to ask me?"

"What is on the other side of the portal?"

"A new place, although it is not new per se, it's dangerous and full of unpredictable events, like here, but beyond is another realm, some new rules to follow and new danger to avoid"

"How dangerous?"

"It is just unlike anything you have ever seen, but no need to worry, your training will be useful"

"Any advice?" 

"Hmm...Keep your mind open, don't immediately assume the worst, you will find help there, you are not alone and remember, your companions will always be here for you" Glaherd turned it's head to the group Qa was getting up "Seems that it is time to continue your journey" 

Vix was about to agree when something fell out of the dragons mouth, she bent down to grab it, it was a fang, a golden fang. The dragon looked amused.

"Keep it as a token of my friendship it shall have it's use in due time" the not so little fang stuck itself to one of her arrow head. Indeed after so many centuries exposed to the electricity the fang had developed some kind of magnetic powers. They walked back to the camp where Vix had breakfast with the rest. She looked a bit different, Jory couldn't quite put his finger on it but something about her had changed and he considered the dragon to have had a part in it. Whatever he said to her it seemed to have made her think a lot.

After the end of the breakfast they tidied everything and made sure that each of their bags were tightly closed. Jory closed his little notebook with the feeling of closing the first part of a literary saga. With a deep breath they all walked toward the portal. Glaherd watched them come closer with a feeling of...the dragon didn't really know but there was pride in his heart, he knew that he had once again chose the right people. He watched and he knew that even if they never meet again as it is intended by fate he will forever keep them close to him and they always keep him close to them.

"Herald of better days advance bravely as I gift to you the key which will permit you to go further into your quest. May the world beyond bring you the answers you have been looking for."

"What if we are not ready?" asked Eleon

"Doubt not, I know you are, you were born to be here today, you will forever be ready for what lies ahead."

"Glaherd one last quest before we go" said Jory

"Please do"

"What does your name mean?" he asked with a smile

"Golden. Farewell friends!"

The dragon roared and the lightning strike in front of them leaving behind scorched grass and a crystal strangely cut. The dragon bowed to the four people in front of him before opening his lightning wings. He took off right into the storm and vanished inside the clouds. They watched him leave and then Jory left the Eye to go grab the crystal. Despite how it came down on earth it was cold to the touch. little flames still burned on the strands of grass but Jory did not bother to extinguish them soon rain would come down on this land and drown all.

The halfling walked back to his team, and brandished the crystal in front of him. Pulled by an invisible force the crystal started to rise in the air before going in the direction of the highest point of the structure. It found it's place on the ring and started to shine more and more brightly, and with each pulse of light a new detail lit up on the portal. Soon the entire Eye was shining bright, so much that Eleon and Vix had to turn away, Qa simply squinted at it while Jory felt the energy flow around. He saw beyond the light, the lines forming and connecting. And just like that a vortex appeared in front of them.

Instinctively they grabbed each other hands before they stepped inside.

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