Chapter 28: Let The Battle Begin

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I blinked my eyes a few times, as it felt quite a bit strange to be seeing humans for the first time in quite a bit of some time, all at the exact same time as well. I had lived with them the most of my life, but I could see the ugly looks that they were giving us, all at the exact same time as well. It made me feel sick, as I had thought that it would be different for me, considering the fact that I grew up around the humans for my child hood.
Sadly, that was not the case what so ever how ever, as I saw that when I got any where near them, they did in fact give me some ugly looks. I felt like I could not blame them for it how ever, as I knew that I was dressed in orc clothing, whilst it might be fine orc clothing that the orc king had given me, I still knew that it was orc clothing none the less, all at the exact same time as well, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, trying to keep my self calm, and trying to not be too hurt by it.
I knew that nearly every single one of those humans that were right here, at this very moment in time, did not know as to just who it was, and to the fact that I had grew up, and that I had lived with the humans for most of my life, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that I could not blame them for the way that they were acting right at this very moment in time.
I could see some of the orcs that had come with us, giving the humans the same dirty looks, so it worked both ways I suppose. It did tell me some thing about my future how ever, and just where it was that I should go, and just what it was that I should do when all was said and done in the end, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that I had to live with the orcs.
If all went well in the end, than I felt like Callan, as he seemed to be a fairly good guy, would in fact let me go see my human father from time to time, all at the exact same time as well, as I was not going to lie to my self either, it kind of felt like that was the only thing that was holding my together with the humans at this point all at the exact same time as well, sadly enough, as it did in fact hurt me to even think on that kind of stuff.
I saw that my friends, who it seemed like Callan had brought with him, which were Eldon and Ashton, were not giving me any sort of looks what so ever, which you would think to be a good thing, except to me it was not, as they did not even seem like they wanted to look at me either, as it kind of hurt me to think on that, as I knew that I had been friends with them my entire life, all at the exact same time too, and they were simply treating me like the rest of the orcs.
I did my best to try not to get all too worried about that how ever, as I knew that a part of it was my own fault, all at the exact same time too, as to the fact that I had not even said good bye to my friends at all, what so ever, as I was sure that it might have seemed like I had just left them in the dust, 'to go be a king' as I was sure they viewed it, none the less. I knew that I was stupid, but I was not blind to that fact how ever, as I could see how that could hurt them, all at the exact same time as well.
Crazily enough, it was Rufus, who I suppose that Callan had decided to bring with us right now, all at the exact same time too, as he was the one that was not giving me and ugly look on their face right now, as I saw instead a bit of a sad look, and a bit of a guilty look, all at the exact same time too, as to the fact that it seemed like he almost felt guilty, as if he had been the one to get my friends to treat me the way that they were right now.
I thought that it might actually be the case at first, but I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts all at once, as I knew that it was not the case what so ever, as I knew that I could not blame Rufus for it, due to the fact that I knew that he was paying no such sort of attention to my friends at all, right at this very moment too, as it was clear that he only felt bad, due to the fact that he knew the way that he had treated me in our short time that we had been together.
I sighed a bit to my self, as I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once, all at the exact same time too, as I instead got my focus on the fact that I saw that Callan, very much to my own surprise, was starting to walk right over to me right now. I was a bit lost, and I was a little bit shocked by it at first, until I then all of the sudden began to start to remember the plans that he had formed with my mother, all at the exact same time as well.
My mother was right beside me none the less, as I could tell that she was quite a bit interested as to just how it was that all of this was even going unfold in the very first place any ways, none the less. I knew that she wanted the orc king killed, for what it was that he had done to her, as I knew that I could not blame her for that what so ever, all at the exact same time too, as I got my focus off of my mother, and instead on to Callan, as I saw him get closer to the both of us, all at once, none the less.
I blinked my eyes a few times, as I saw him nod to both me and my mother, all at the exact same time too, though I felt like it was more my mother that he should be nodding to, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that she was the one that had made all of those plans with him, as I had simply stood and listened to them talk about it, as I really did not have a single clue as to just what it was that was even going on in the very first place any ways, as I did not have a single clue, about anything with my real father, all at the exact same time too.
He did not seem to be all too bad for me, if I was not going to lie to my self, all at the exact same time as well, though I did notice that he did get quite a bit angry on the rare occasion, which I felt was normal, as I knew that I was the same way as he was, all at the exact same time too. That was when it all of the sudden came back to me, all at once, as to just what it was that my mother had told me about him, which was the fact that she had said that he was a deceitful person, all at the exact same time too.
I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once how ever, as I saw from the corner of my eyes, that my mother then all of the sudden nodded back, as a bit of a late response to Callan, all at the exact same time too, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts all at once, as I remembered that Callan had done the same for us not all too much longer ago, none the less, as it was clear that he was about to speak to us.
Remembering that, I then did in fact begin to nod back to him, all at once, all at the exact same time as well, as I then all of the sudden let him know that I too was in fact paying attention to him, and to just what it was that he even had to say to the both of us in the very first place any ways. Once it was that he had seen the both of us do that, he then all of the sudden, all at the exact same time as well, then did in fact begin to start to speak to us, as he stopped him self right in front of us, as I did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what it was that he even had to say to both me and my mother, all at the exact same time as well, never the less.
"I hope this works out... I don't know what the hell we will do if it doesn't... I already told Tanner that if the orc king does not die, than we might have a fight on our hands, when all is said and done..." He said to the both of us, as I blinked my eyes a few times, all at the exact same time as well, as I then began to start to think on just what it was that he had even said to the both of us in the very first place any ways, all at the exact same time as well, as it made me kind of shiver.
I looked back at the human king, as I saw that he was big and strong, but at the exact same time too, it also seemed like he was quite a bit older, and he was not as fast as he once was, all at the exact same time too. I looked at him compared to my father, and I felt like he would not have much of a chance in this fight, all at the exact same time too, as I felt quite a bit bad for him, as to the fact that he had for some reason agreed to the trick, and the duel, all at the exact same time as well.
Maybe it was due to the fact that he knew that this was his one chance to take down, and to easily kill the orc king, though it did not seem that it was easy, if I was not going to lie to my self, as I was fairly certain that my father was not going to be going down with out a fight, all at the exact same time as well. Surely the king did not think he had much of a chance in this fight, and he was simply only doing it to take down the orc king, and bring peace between the 2 lands.
I then all of the sudden shook off all of those thoughts from my mind, all at once, as I then all of the sudden began to start to remember as to the fact that some thing that Callan had even told me not all too much longer ago about his own father. He had told me that he had a big ego, and he was greedy. I knew that this was not what the fight was about for Callan's father what so ever, all at the exact same time too, as I could see the slight smirk on the face of Callan's father, all at the exact same time too, as it was clear to me that he actually believed that he was going to win this brawl.
I rolled my eyes a bit to my self, all at once, as I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of that, as I got in back on to the fact of the reason that I had even thought that this was for peace in the lands for his father in the very first place any ways, as I then all of the sudden began to remember that was the plan of Callan, as I knew that he was quite a bit shocked that I was the son of the orc king, all at the exact same time too.
Though, he had said that he had known that there had been some thing special about me when he had first met me, as he had said that there had to have been a reason that I had grown up around the humans, all at the exact same time as well, as my entire life I had thought that it was simply the fact that my human father just wanted a son, and he felt guilty for the fact that he had killed my mother, who it turns out that he had not actually done that.
I was a bit lost about all of that still, up to this point, if I was not going to lie to my self either, as I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, as I looked over to Callan. I was still a little bit worried as to the fact that he was only doing this so that he could take over as the king, but I shook off those thoughts, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that was not the case, as I knew that Callan was a genuinely decent guy, and he simply wanted peace between the lands.
I knew that if he wanted his father dead, so that he could take over as the king, than he would simply lace some thing in one of his drinks, and get his father killed, all at the exact same time as well. That would not solve the problem between peace between the nations what so ever, as I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once, as I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once.
I then all of the sudden got my mind on the fact that my mother was now starting to speak up, back to Callan if I had to take my best guess, as I knew that I had not said a single word about any of this to any one just yet, as I knew that I was under a lot of stress, and that I was under a lot of anxiety right at this very moment in time too, as I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once, as I then all of the sudden began to start to think on the fact my mother was in fact talking back to Callan right now.
I looked over at my mother, as I saw her nod to Callan, all at once, as it was clear that she was trying to make sure that he was in fact paying attention to her right at this very moment in time any ways, as not all too much longer after all of that, all at once, I then all of the sudden saw Callan nod right back over to her, all at once, to let her know that he was in fact paying attention as to just what it was that she even had to say to him in the very first place any ways, none the less.
I blinked my eyes a few times, as I was still a little bit lost by all of this, if I was not going to lie to my self either, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to keep my self calm, all at the exact same time as well, as I then all of the sudden saw that my mother was beginning to start to speak to Callan, as I knew that I too should be paying attention as to just what it was that she even had to say to him in the very first place any ways, such as he was clearly doing right now, as I did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what it was that she even had to say to Callan in the very first place any ways, none the less.
"I am sure this will be fine... It always does... He is stupid, he does not know any thing, whilst he might think he does, he has quite a bit ego to him self..." She said to him, as it did in fact kind of upset me a bit as to just what it was that she had even said to him in the very first place any ways, all at the exact same time as well, as I was quite a bit upset by it for some odd reason or another, as I knew that was my father, and that was the king of the orcs that she was talking about right now.
I then all of the sudden shook my head, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at the exact same time as well, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I was even thinking on right at this very moment in time, in the very first place any ways, as I breathed in quite a bit heavily to my self, as I knew that the orc king was bad, and that he was evil, and that he deserved it, and that he had, had in coming for quite a bit of some time, all at the exact same time as well.
It still made me feel a little bit uncomfortable, all at the exact same time too, if I was not going to lie to my self, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, as I then all of the sudden just looked away from my mother, as I knew that it was not the best idea to be looking at her right now, especially since I was upset with her right now, for some stupid reason that not even I was all too sure of if I was not going to lie to my self.
I then all of the sudden got my eyes, and I got my focus on the fact that I now all of the sudden saw that there was starting to be a circle beginning to be made between the 2 kings, all at once, as I could tell that the battle was about to commence, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that was what it was that always happened when ever there was about to be a fight between 2 people, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden just got my eyes, my mind, and my focus on to that circle, all at once, as I knew that was all that really mattered any more, all at the exact same time too.
I blinked my eyes a few times, as I just stared there for a few moments in time, until I then all of the sudden saw the human king begin to start to meet up in the circle, all at the exact same time too, as I saw the orc king did the same not all too much longer after all of that, none the less. It seemed to amaze me, and it seemed to surprise me that they were in cohesion, and that they seemed to be agreeing on one thing, all at the exact same time too, as to just how it was that this duel should go, all at the exact same time too.
I was not all too sure how they could not see it, all at the exact same time too, as to the fact that if they could agree on this, than they could agree on a lot of different things with each other, and that they could in fact have peace with one another. I then all of the sudden shook off all of those thoughts from my mind, all at once, as I knew that would never be the case what so ever, how ever, as I knew that they would never get along, and there was always going to be one side that wanted to say that they were stronger than the other, and that there was going to be one side that was going to be greedy, and want the gold and riches to them selves.
I sighed a bit to my self, as I then all of the sudden dipped my head quite a bit low to the ground, all at once, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I possibly could, all at the exact same time too, as I then then breathed in quite a bit softly to my self, all at once, as I stared down at the dirt that was below me for a little bit longer, until I then all of the sudden began to start to hear a familiar voice begin to start to speak up, all at the exact same time as well, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I then all of the sudden lifted my head up quite a bit, all at the exact same time too, to see as to just what it was that was going on right now, and what the fuss was all about right at this very moment in time as well.
As I lifted my head up, I then all of the sudden saw that there was a person in the middle of the circle that was seperating the 2 sides, all at the exact same time too, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at the exact same time too, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I realized that this was Tanner who was in the middle of that, as I remembered that he was the legion leader of the legion that I had even been in not all too much longer ago from now, all at the exact same time as well.
I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as it then all of the sudden began to start to make a bit of some sense to me, all at the exact same time too, as to just what it was that was even going on right at this very moment in time too, as I then all of the sudden began to start to remember, all at the exact same time as well, as to just what it was that we were even here to do in the very first place any ways. I blinked my eyes a few times, as I stared at the middle of the circle, as I saw that Tanner did in fact nod both to the orc king, and to the human king, all at once.
I stared at the both of them, for quite a bit of some time, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should do right now, nor was I all too sure as to just what it was that was even going on right at his very moment in time, in the very first place any ways, as I then all of the sudden saw that bother the orc king, and the human king, did in fact nod back to Tanner, very much to my surprise, all at the exact same time as well, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew what was about to commence next.
Not all too much longer after Tanner had seen the both of them nod back to him, he then moved back quite a bit, all at the exact same time too. I blinked my eyes a few times once again, as I was quite a bit shocked that this was actually about to happen right in front of my very own eyes, all at the exact same time too, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I possibly could, all at the exact same time too, as I waited for some one to do some thing, none the less.
That was of course, until I then all of the sudden began to start to hear the voice of Tanner, as he continued to stare to speak up to every one, all at the exact same time as well, as I then turned my head back over to him, as I was a little bit annoyed by it, if I was not going to lie, as to the fact that this still had not started just yet, did in fact give me quite a bit of some stress, and quite a bit of anxiety, all at the exact same time too.
I stared at Tanner for just a bit of some time, as I saw him hop him self on top of a horse, all at once, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that he was even doing right at this very moment in time, in the very first place any ways, never the less. That was of course, until I then all of the sudden began to start to head him begin to speak once again, as I did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what it was that he even had to say in the very first place any ways, none the less.
"Both sides must shake hands before the battle begins... Remember, there are no rules in this fight... The fight only wins when one side comes out victorious, and the other side is dead..." He said, as I could see that Tanner was a bit shaken up, as to just what it was that he had even said in the very first place any ways, to the both of them, all at the exact same time too, as I breathed in quite a bit heavily to my self, as I could tell that Tanner was quite a bit worried.
Tanner looked over to the human king, as I did the same as he was, as for some reason, I saw that the human king had a big smile on his face, all at the exact same time too, as it actually did seem like he believed that he was going to win this battle, for some odd reason or another. I felt like, even if you had a big ego, you should at the very least, know that you did not have a single chance what so ever in a fight such as this one, all at the exact same time too.
I then began to wonder, all at the exact same time too, as to the fact as to just what it was that would even happen, if the human king did in fact come out of this battle with a victory, all at the exact same time too. Would that no ruin all of the plans that Callan had? I looked over to Callan, all at once, as I saw that he had his eyes squinted over towards his father, all at the exact same time too, though he had a bit of a smirk on his face, all at once.
Surely this was not some kind of trap, right? I was not sure, as I had a lot of different thoughts going through my mind, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden began to start to turn my head back over to Tanner, who was the one that was going to be guiding this fight, all at the exact same time too, as I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of the thoughts that I had been having before, as I just seemed to stare at Tanner with a bit of a blank look on my own face.
Not that it mattered all too much how ever, as it was clear to me that Tanner was paying no such sort of attention to me right at this very moment in time any ways, as he should not, as I knew that he needed to have his focus on the battle that was about to commence, all at the exact same time as well, as I then all of the sudden nodded a bit to my self, as I then too got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts all at once, never the less.
I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus on the fact that had to do with, of course, that Tanner was now all of the sudden looking at the orc king, who was my father right now, as he seemed to be staring at him with quite a bit of a blank look on his face, all at once, as I saw him all of the sudden nod to him, to make sure that the orc king was in fact ready to get this battle started, all at the exact same time too.
I knew that no matter what the case was in the end, there was going to be one side that was king to win, and that meant that there was going to be a battle between the 2 sides when all was said and done, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that the orcs would want revenge on the king, if by some sort of miracle, the human king did in fact win this battle. It was also just like Callan had said, as to the fact that he said the same thing would happen with the humans, if that was the case.
I knew that I had to calm my self down, all at once, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that every thing was going to end up fine, and that every thing was going to go just as planned when all was said and done in the end, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden got my eyes, and I got my focus on just what was even going on in the middle of the circle, all at the exact same time too, as I saw that both of the sides were heading to the middle to shake hands.
I sort of expected one side or the other to pull out their weapon and attack, all at the exact same time too, but it was clear that it was not the case what so ever, all at the exact same time too, as I blinked my eyes, and I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden nodded a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, as best as I could, all at the exact same time too.
It was clear that this was just the beginning, and it was still a miracle to me that both sides could actually agree on this one thing, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus off of just what it was that I was thinking about, all at the exact same time too, as I saw that they reached their hands out, and I then all of the sudden saw them begin to shake hands, all at the exact same time too.
I blinked my eyes a few times, all at once, as I then all of the sudden saw that the orc king began to start to squeeze on the human kings hands quite a bit extra tight, as I saw that he had quite a bit of a big grin on his face, as he did in fact do as such a thing, all at the exact same time as well. I was not all too sure as to just what it was that he was doing right at this very moment in time any ways.
That was when all of the sudden, as it was clear that it had hurt the human king quite a bit, all at the exact same time too, as the human king pushed him self off of my father. My father then began to start to speak up to the human king, all at the exact same time as well, all at once, none the less, as I did in fact listen as to just what it was that he even had to say to him in the very first place any ways, never the less.
"I can't wait to crush your puny skull when all is said and done..." He said to the human king, as I could tell, none the less, that what it was that my father had even just said to him in the very first place any ways, had clearly gotten in to the head of the human king, all at the exact same time too, even though I knew that the orc king was just trying to scare him, all at the exact same time too, it clearly had done a good job, none the less.
The orc king wobbled around a bit, as I saw him dip his head down to the ground, all at the exact same time too, as it was clear that it seemed like he felt like he had made a bit of a mistake as to the fact he had felt like he did not want to be in this battle all of the sudden. It was too late for all of that how ever, sadly enough, as I knew a little bit about how it was that the rules to the duel games worked, as I knew that you could not pussy out at the last second, never the less.
I kind of grinned a bit on my own face, as it was clear that my father had gotten in to the head of the human king, all at once, as for some reason or another, I was in fact cheering on my father, all at the exact same time as well, none the less. I blinked my eyes a few times, as I did my best to try not to choose sides, all at once, as I then all of the sudden shook my head, and I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at the exact same time too.
I then all of the sudden saw that the both of them were starting to move back, all at once, as it seemed like the human king was all of the sudden back to normal, all at the exact same time as well, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at once, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, as I did my best to try to keep my self calm, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden saw them get in to their positions to get ready to start the battle.
I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should be doing right now, right at this very moment in time any ways, as I just seemed to be in a bit of an empty, and a bit of a blank mind set, as I just seemed to stare at the both of them, from quite a bit of some distance away, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should even do when all was said and done in the very first place any ways, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once.
I suppose, that I should worry about it when we got to that point, as I did my best to try to get my mind off of that, all at once, as I stared at the both of the kings, as I watched as the both of them seemed to stare each other down, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden saw them turn their heads over to Tanner, who was on the far side of the circle, on his horse, all at the exact same time too, as I was not going to lie, it was a very pretty horse, none the less.
I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts once again how ever, as I then all of the sudden saw that the both of the kings did in fact nod to Tanner, to let him know that the both of them were in fact ready to get all of this started, all at the exact same time as well. Tanner looked at the both of them, to make sure that they were being serious. Once he looked at the both of them for just a bit of some time, he then all of the sudden did in fact nod back to the both of them.
I breathed in quite a bit to my self, as I knew as to just what it was that was about to happen next, all at the exact same time too, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden began to start to hear Tanner speak up loudly, so that even the people on the far side of the circle could hear, all at the exact same time too. I looked at Tanner right in to his eyes, none the less, as I then began to start to listen as to just what it was that he even had to say to every one, all at the exact same time too.
"Let the battle begin!"

The Orc With A HeartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя