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Hundreds humans surrounded us, walking slowly in circles, their foot thumping on the earth floor, their faces the same. The flames of a bonfire had risen to the sky, it's heat scorching.
The sky was still dark, the wind blew the embers of fire around, scattering them. A low chant of meaningless words filled the atmosphere.
My eyes glided open as soon as I regained consciousness. From my inverted position, I could only see their bare feet.

           I tried to lift my head to catch a glimpse of what the party was about, but the unusual swinging of my legs in the air caused my eyes to get dizzy.
A bout of nausea swelled in my tummy, I wanted to puke.
I managed to force my stomach contents down a notch. When I refocused again, they were many. More than a thousand beings, dressed in nothing but their birthday suit.
I almost cursed. Red blood smeared their bodies and faces.

           A circled ditch had been dug around us, trapping us at the center. I stole a quick glance at the lady who was upside down beside me, she barely had much life left in her.
Her own bucket of blood was filled to the brim and sipping into the open pit.
I struggled to loosen the rope that held me captive, instead it got tighter.
                "Help!" I yelled into the night, but  my words came out so faint that I couldn't even hear myself.

            On the other side of the large circle stood a woman who I presumed to be their leader. Everyone bowed to her in reverence.  Another tall figure knelt beside her, away from the others.
The height and facial features of Pastor Adrian was unmistakable, even in darkness. I watched in awe at the unfolding events.
When she began to speak, they lifted their heads to match her gaze.
         "Vessels, thank you for coming to this meeting."

They hummed in response. She smiled heartily and waved at them.
          "We have grown into an army in such a little time. There had been more recruits than I presumed. And I am very, very impressed. And thanks to Lashula my right hand man."
She pointed at Pastor Adrian. Tapping him on the back.
          "Lashula? No, he is  a pastor. Pastor Adrian, matter of fact." I said loudly, but of course my voice was muted again.
            "We started this movement to get our vessels into every office, every home, every community, every church and every government on the face of the earth. So far, we have made amazing progress, hiding and living amongst them. They don't know us, they can't see us but we will continue to poach them."
They hummed again.

            "As my essence live inside of everyone of you, may I remind you that I have total control. Anyone who disobeys will have the book of disobedience opened against them." She said, moving to the center of the circle.
I wouldn't say she moved, I believe she floated into the center.
            "Vessels must be strong or they will become a sacrifice." She ran her fingers all over the lady next to me.
             "Or they can be champions if they survive." Pointing at me without getting close.

Again, she moved back to her previous position. "Today's meeting of blood feast will not linger with frivolities. You must return to your posts and continue to blend into the society."
The group remained silent. Their heads and faces focused on the woman with rapt attention. I hadn't seen Pastor Adrian lift his face for once. He was stiff as a rock. The lady suddenly stopped speaking and closed her eyes.
         A large bird squeaked loudly above us, breaking into my thoughts. Its massive wings flapped around in circles, hovering over us. I shut my eyes nervously. But, more shrieking sounds forced my eyes open.
Multiple birds had appeared in the sky, shrouded in thick darkness. My new human neighbors didn't even flinch at all the commotion around us. Fear shredded my heart in pieces.
My terrified heart pumped away without remorse. It thumped loudly in my chest, threatening to explode with each beat. I didn't bother to scream for I'd found it useless among this kind.

VESSELS UNKNOWNTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang