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The big front gate was locked when I made contact with it. With no one insight, I navigated to the back gate following the farm path.
I was almost scaling the fence when pastor Adrian's voice halted my supposed escape.

           "Stop!" He yelled. I ignored him. My father's voice rang in my ears.

           "When life and death is involved, never look back. Even if the devil's cave is your saving grace, keep running forward."

           "Sister Unique?" He called again.

I reflected on my father's words. Across that fence was a thick forest, a vast land with nothing in it except dangerous animals.
Going back to pastor Adrian meant getting arrested. I lingered on the fence before choosing the later.

             "If I perish, Then, I perish." I muttered to myself.

    The late afternoon sun glistened on his bald head that gave it a mirror like view. I could almost see my reflection in it.

             "Please get off the fence, we won't hurt you." He pleaded. "This shouldn't have happened at all. I take the blame."

His left hand lazily rose above his eyes blocking the sun rays. "Come down, please."

My gaze rested on his eyes, the silent waves of his thoughts called out to me. ........"How is it your fault?" I questioned.

       "I will explain later. Just come." He waved me on with his fingers. I lingered a little on the fence.
Suddenly, I could feel his emotions. He was being honest or maybe that was what he projected towards me. Either way, I was a sacrificial lamb. And like that lady said, I was time I fought for myself.

       I descended from my hike on the gate, and walked slowly towards him in measured steps. Both of hands were clasped in front of me, indicating they were free to arrest me.
But instead, he  knelt on one knee, bringing my gaze to level with his. Then, he took my hands and cupped it in his. His eyes on me.

          "When I said we won't hurt you, I meant it. No one is going to hurt you." He said, releasing my hand.

I watched him closely as he got off his knees. His intimidating six foot height made it impossible to look up to  him in the sun. So I stared at my toes, ashamed.

            "How is he?" I asked, referring to the officer, my face masked from any form of emotion.

           "He'll live." He said, arching his brows. "He's paralyzed waist down though."
I swallowed the guilt stuck in my throat. My conscience traumatized.

          "He shouldn't have held you down like that." He continued. "The feeds say everything, yet you didn't even resist."

I squirmed nervously.  "And Jacob?" I heaved a sigh, Shuffling.
          "He's fine, still in church." His voice wavering. His eyes far away.

          "So what now?" I looked up at him, meeting his gaze.
          "We'll figure it out." Just take a little time to breathe."

My eyes narrowed as I tried to get a read off him. He simply waved at me.
          "Come, lets go." His foot was already in front of the other, leading the way.
          "Where?" I asked, picking up my pace to sync with his.

          "Home. My house."
          "Why?" I stopped, staring at his frustrated face. He sighed deeply and walked back to me.
          "See Unique, I believe my place is the best place to stay until this thing blows over. You don't want people attacking you on the streets. Just stay the night, get rested and you can do whatever you like."

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