King Edmund looked at him thoughtfully. "You have kind eyes. I believe you."

"Apparently, he can tell a lot about someone by looking into their eyes." Eugene said, poking at his food.

Cassandra sighed and got up, her plate empty. "I'm going to go check in on Adira."

"Aww, you've warmed up to her!" Eugene said teasingly.

"She was hurt trying to protect us. It's the least I could do." She walked off.

Varian sighed. "If it's alright...I think I'd like to wait until everyone is with me see the Moonstone."

"Will the Moonstone wait that long?" Eugene asked, noticing their hair both lighting up completely again. "It's been doing that off and on since we got here."

"It might be best for you to take it now." Rapunzel said, reaching out and squeezing his hand. "I know, you're scared, but I'm going to be with you, okay?"

Varian nodded, smiling shakily at her.

King Edmund stood up. "I will show you the way."

"I'll, uh, keep an eye on Shorty." Lance said as he picked up more food.


King Edmund led Rapunzel, Eugene and Varian through the castle, pausing every so often to let them look around. They reached a large room with tall statues along the walls, including an unfinished one of himself. "Our former Kings and Queens." He explained as they walked through the room. "Sworn to serve and protect the Moonstone, even in death. When I pass, my soul will be in this statue, to watch over the Moonstone."

"I mean, you don't have to do that. I live in Corona." Varian said. "And, you know, I'm going to have the Moonstone with me, so..." He sighed. "Though, if Rapunzel doesn't figure out the whole...mess over there, this might be a good place to move to and hide from the angry mobs."

"We'll figure it out." Rapunzel assured him. "And my father will pay for what he did to you."

King Edmund looked at them curiously. "What he did?"

"Uh, well, we'll figure it out." Eugene said, laughing awkwardly. "You don't need to get involved, Your Majes--Edmund."

"Hm..." King Edmund looked forward and they walked on, approaching double-doored room with doors that towered over them. "The Moonstone lies in here."

He opened the doors and stepped to the side. Varian stepped in first, gasping softly as he felt a rush of energy. He walked to the edge of a broken bridge and the black rocks along the wall shifted and reshaped to create a bridge for him. The king stood back with Eugene, as Rapunzel slowly followed Varian out across the bridge.

"We made it, Ruddiger." Varian said softly. "We finally made it. With this...we can finally free my dad."

Ruddiger chittered happily and then Varian turned to see Rapunzel had caught up with him.

"I'll hold your hand, and you take it with the other one." She smiled. "That way, the Moonstone can see both of us."

He nodded and they walked together, hand-in-hand, as the cage around the Moonstone opened up and the stone lifted into the air. Varian felt energy wrap around him, like a loving embrace, and he walked closer and closer to the Moonstone before they stopped at the end of the bridge. He took a deep breath, feeling nervous, and then walked forward, reaching out his free hand.

The moonstone didn't wait for his hand to reach it. As soon as he was close enough, it flew forward and pushed against his chest, making him let out a cry of alarm. He tried to grab it with both hands, but he couldn't control his body and then he was lifting into the air, Ruddiger falling off his shoulders as he did, his hands clutching at his chest as he started to cry out in pain. Sparks came out of his body and Rapunzel stepped back in alarm. Tears slipped down his cheeks as he felt the stone push into his body until he couldn't feel it anymore, its power spreading throughout him. His stripe turned white and the rest of his hair turned blue and he felt cold, but hot, and so good but so terrible all at the same time, he wanted it to end one way or the other!


Finally, the glowing stopped and he slowly fell to the bridge, his consciousness fading. Rapunzel ran to catch him, but black rocks came up and caught him, cradling him in a hold. Then the rocks started to close around his unconscious form protectively.

"Uh..." Eugene frowned.

"Varian...?" Rapunzel walked over and placed her hand on one of the rocks.

The little one needs sleep. She heard a voice echo in the chamber. The rocks will open when he wakes. His body is adjusting to the change. Let him rest, dear Sundrop.

"Uhm...okay. I guess we'll...stay the night?" She stepped back. "We'll...we'll be back."

She went across the bridge to Eugene. "I think that was the Moonstone." She said quietly.

"...So...we just let him rest?" Eugene asked.

Rapunzel nodded. "King Edmund?"

"I have plenty of rooms here." He assured her.

"Is that blue hair permanent?" Eugene asked.

"Shh. Let's let him sleep." Rapunzel looked over and saw Ruddiger climbing between the rock and curling up against his beloved human. "He's in good hands." She smiled and then closed the doors.

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