Chapter 12

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They sorted out the teams as they all sat on the jet on the way to the mission. Sam was going with Bucky and Nat with Steve, leaving Emma with Johnny. Steve looked at her, "are you sure you're okay going with Johnny?"

Johnny scoffed, "I'm right here you know?"

Emma laughed, "I'll be fine Steve." She patted him on the chest, trying to reassure him.

As they all started to exit the jet, Bucky nudged Johnny, "keep an eye on her, and don't leave her sight."

"Guys. I'm from Asgard, I'm not exactly useless. I'm a Valkyrie for fuck's sake. Stop treating me like I'm a fragile doll."

Steve laughed at her, "language Princess. Let's go."

They all split up and Emma went with Johnny, letting him lead. They encountered a squad of Hydra soldiers, taking them out quickly together, but a stray bullet hit Johnny in the side making him fall to the ground. Emma bent down over him talking on the comms, "guys? Johnny has been hit." She held her hand over his wound, pulling out the bullet before healing him.

He looked down and back up at her, "you can do that?" Before she can respond she hears another squad round the corner so she puts her hand to the ground, making a shield bubble around them, protecting them from the bullets. She pushed the shield out, making all the soldiers fall backwards as her and Johnny both stood up. "That's amazing! You're amazing!"

"Yeah well, it takes some energy." She turns around to Johnny and see that he has gone. "Johnny?" She got back on the comms, "hello? Can anyone hear me? Steve? Bucky?" She grabs on to the wall, holding herself up as she tried to follow where Johnny went. More Hydra soldiers came as she made another shield, pushing it out towards them before falling to the floor.


Emma came to in Steve's arms on the jet, "Steve." She looked up at him, he was angry, she could feel him sitting there, seething.

"Eir, are you okay?" He ran his fingers through her hair.

"I'm fine, let me go." Steve loosened his grip on her as she stood up, sitting on the bench next to him and Bucky.

She looked around to see Johnny across from her, "Emma, I'm sorry."

Before she could respond Steve leaped up at him, "you're just lucky I found her and not Hydra!"

Johnny made a fire ball in his hand and Emma grabbed Steve, "Steve. I'm fine. Sit." Steve glared at her but did as he was requested.

As they exited the jet Steve stopped her, "Johnny said you made a shield. You used too much energy."

She grabbed Bucky and Steve, making them stand next to her. She made a shield bubble around the three of them while the others watched. She looked at her super soldiers, "I'm fine guys."

Bucky smirked, "That would be more useful during sex than my hand."

Steve laughed as Emma grabbed Bucky's metal hand, "I like your hand on me. Also, I'm not sure I could sustain it at the same time." Her attention was brought to Sharon who was standing up, scoffing. Emma didn't take her eyes off of Sharon, "Steve. My comms went out while we were in there. I tried to contact you guys when Johnny was shot. And then when he left me." 

She let go of the shield as Steve charged ahead angrily towards Sharon, "is that true? Did you mess with the comms?"

She just shook her head and crossed her arms, "Steve. It happens sometimes. I don't know what happened."

"Cut the shit Sharon!" Before he could grab her Emma put up a shield wall in front of her.

"Steve, stop. It isn't worth it. She isn't worth it." She grabbed his hand and led him away from the hangar, Bucky following close behind.

They make it back to her room as she starts to undress, "I'm going to take a shower. You guys do what you like." She opened the glass door to her shower/tub combo and stood under the water, waiting for it to warm as she felt Steve and Bucky join her on either side. "Guys, I don't know if I have the energy for both of you again." She bit her lip looking back and forth at them.

"You don't have to do anything doll." She watched as Steve knelt in front of her, putting one of her feet on the side of the tub as his mouth and fingers found her wetness. Bucky kissed her, squeezing and pulling at her nipples with his fingers.

"Fuck guys." She threw her head back as he trailed kisses down her neck to her nipples, biting and sucking. Bucky sat on the edge of the tub as Steve brought her down to him, entering her from behind as her mouth found Bucky's. Steve rubbed her clit with his fingers as he sped his movements. Emma took Bucky in her mouth, him moaning quietly. She stroked and sucked, matching her own pleasure. She started to moan loudly as she got close so she put a shield around the three of them. She tried to brace herself on the shower door, breaking it, as they all came together. Emma stands up, releasing the shield as they all laugh at the broken door. She grabbed a towel and laid it over the glass, "oops." They finished their showers quickly, trying not to make the mess they already made any bigger.

As they all stood drying off, Emma turned to Bucky, "I think I want to sleep with Steve tonight, if that's okay."

"Of course it is doll. I'll see you in the morning." He wrapped a towel around his waist, kissing her on the cheek before leaving her room, leaving the door open.

Emma sat on the bed, watching Steve dry himself off, wrapping his own towel around his waist. "I'll see you in a bit?"

"Yeah." She grabbed his hand before he could leave, "Steve."

He turned around to her, kneeling on the ground in front of her. "Yeah?"

She put her hands on his face, pulling his lips to her before pulling back, "I love you Steve."

Steve's eyes beamed up at her, a smile spreading across his face, "yeah? I love you too Princess." He kissed her on the forehead before standing up. "I'll see you in my room."

Emma got dressed quickly in panties and a t-shirt, braiding her hair out of her face. She went into Steve's room, leaning on the doorframe. She watched him as he laid in his bed, reading, "I'm starving, I'm going to go get something to eat. I'll be back, okay?"

He looked up at her and smiled, "sure."

She found the kitchen dark. She turned on a light and just about jumped out of her skin as she saw Bucky sitting at the kitchen table. "What the fuck Buck. You scared the shit out of me!" She grabbed some strawberries from the fridge and sat down next to him. She noticed he was upset as she placed her hand on his. "Bucky what's the matter?"

He pulled his hand away, not looking at her. "I guess you made a choice, you're in love with Steve."

"Oh. I see." Emma stood up, straddling him in his chair. "You heard me tell Steve I love him?" He didn't say anything as his hands instinctually went to her waist. "Buck, look at me." She grabbed his face, resting her head on his. "Just because I said it to him first doesn't mean I don't feel the same way about you or that I wasn't going to say it to you as well. I love you James."

He growled at her calling him James, pulling her lips aggressively to his, his tongue darting into her mouth and making her moan. She felt him hard underneath her as she pulled his cock out, pushing her underwear to the side as she slid onto him, making him moan into her mouth. She grinded on him urgently until they both came. "I love you too, doll."

She stood up, grabbing the strawberries as he put himself away. "I'm taking these with me." She started to leave the kitchen, but turned back to Bucky standing up from the table, "you do know I have to make a choice eventually right? Will we be okay if Steve is who I choose? I'm not saying I've made a choice, because I haven't. But when I do."

Bucky laughed, "you're rambling. I love you. And we'll be okay. I promise." He caressed her face softly as she leaned into his hand, "I do admit I'm glad you haven't decided yet. I'm not ready to let you go just yet. If I have to."

She kissed him quickly on the lips, "goodnight Buck."

When she entered Steve's room she found him still reading. He set the book on his nightstand and sat up when he heard the door shut behind her. "Hello Princess." Emma sat on the bed, sitting between his legs, her legs on either side of him as they fed each other strawberries. "I love you Steve."

He grabbed the strawberries and placed them on his book on the table. "I love you Eir."

Hearing him say her name still made her smile, "you're the only one that has taken the time to learn how to pronounce my name."

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body to his, "because I love you." She started to grind on him, making him moan. He pinned her to the bed underneath him, "we need to sleep, before I ravish you again. You're insatiable."

"I really am." She pulled his lips to hers for a kiss before he laid down on his back, offering his chest to her. She laid her head on his chest, throwing her arm around him as he rubbed her back, lifting her shirt to touch her skin. She sat up, removing her shirt and laid back down. "Steve? You know I'm going to have to make a choice at some point right? Are we going to be okay if I choose Bucky?"

She felt his hand stop moving, "are you choosing Bucky?"

She sat up to look at him, "I haven't made a choice yet. But when I do, if it is Bucky, will we be okay?"

"Lay down." He waited until she was back in her position before answering her. "We'll be okay. I would be lying if I said I didn't want you to choose me though."

"I know." She knew she needed to tread carefully moving forward. She knew the one she didn't choose would be hurt, hurting her as well.

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